Sam at 15 Months – Updated

Our precious little Sammy-Sam (aka Buddy, Bud-Bud, Buddy Boy, Trouble, Samster, Sam-bone, Sonny, Calamity Sam) is 15 months old today.  I’ve taken to calling him Baby or Sweet Baby, in addition to the names above, in a last-ditch attempt to hold onto the last few days of his baby-hood.  It’s quietly, and not so quietly, slipping away with every run, word, complex expression, thinning frame and prolonged attention span.  His development and exploration is a beautiful and wondrous thing to watch, even though I watch it with a touch of wistfulness for the soft, squishy baby he once was. 


There will be many posts about wistfulness to write, for now I’m going to post about my son’s development and 15-month-old self.  I’ll miss this age soon enough too.

Sammy’s New Words that we understand:
“Myyyy” (Mine)
“Gam-Pa” Grandpa
“Buh” (Book)

Sammy continues to climb on *everything* in sight.  He gets himself into some serious trouble – falling off the couch, climbing onto the stove and touching a hot pot, rolling down half a flight of stairs – and while he stops my heart on a regular basis he has a way of brushing himself off and getting back up again that is admirable.  He’s also born with J’s natural coordination.  I’m in awe that Sammy can fall backwards off the couch and rather than land flat on his back he somehow twists in the air, tucks his head in, and lands so that he rolls onto his tummy.  It’s really amazing, especially since I’m such a klutz that I couldn’t do something like that if I was trained by an Olympic gymnastics coach.  Athleticism is truly something that a person is born with, and our Sammy seems to have been born with it.  It’s going to be interesting to see what he wants to do with it.

We’re into hard-core labeling around here.  Sammy walks through the house pointing at things and saying “da?”  It’s a cat, a spoon, a car, an elbow, a picture frame, a sister, socks, the letter W, a hot cup of tea, wasabi, etc. etc. etc…  Sam’s entering the world of language, starting with nouns. 

Another development of 15-months is Sam’s increased independence.  There have been times in the past where he didn’t go far from my side.  Now he’s moving all over the place, without hardly a  backwards glance to old Moms as he finds a toy box to empty, a counter to sweep clean of contents, a chair to climb on or a dog or sister to aggravate.  When a new person comes to our house Sammy greets them with a wide smile and uplifted arms.  Sure I still get my fair share of snuggles and cuddles, but Buddy-Boy has a world to explore.  Don’t slow me down Mom!

Update from Sammy’s pediatrician appointment:
J took Sam to his 15 month check-up a few days ago.  Sam is perfect in every way, of course, and, as usual, was to busy flirting with the nurses to care that he was getting a shot.  He weighed in at 26.5 lbs and 33.5″ tall.  Checking back to his 12 month stats he hasn’t gained any weight, but he’s grown an inch and a half.  One and a half inches in three months… with no weight gain.  We thought he was looking long and skinny these days!

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