iPhone Photo Drop February

Oh February, where did you go?  Supposedly you’re just two or three days shorter than the usual month but gosh you flew by.  Thank you for treating us better than January on the health front, and thanks for giving us some fun times with Grandma T, Maddy, Daddy’s birthday and Valentine’s Day.  
Without further adieu… the month in review with Clare and Sam.
Clare is learning to write her letters!  I wrote her name out above and then she copied her name below it.  As you can see we still have some practice (her writing is in blue) but look at that perfect R!
We had a fun trip to the zoo, though the highlight of the trip for the kids was playing for fifteen minutes in a mud puddle with a view of elephants.  I kept trying to get them to look at the amazing animals right next to them and they kept showing me the sticks and mud.  Oh well, it was fun.

Early in the month Maddy spent a couple of days playing with the kids and I during the day.  I wasn’t sure how my first day with three kiddos would go, but it was fun!  There may or may not have been a dramatic but not serious injury in twenty minutes after Debbie left, but it definitely did not affect our days.  
Yep, we love having Miss Maddy join our pack.
Then Grandma T came to visit us!  It was our usual low-key weekend with lots of book reading, some trips to the playground, and some art projects.  Oh, and lots of cuddling.  

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