Truly one of the most rewarding things of this parenting gig is watching the loving relationship between my kids. Sure there is plenty of toy-grabbing, hair-pulling, shoving, tattling, and good old fashioned sibling rivalry for our parents’ attention but more often then not there is giggling, hugs and lots of love. They are each other’s favorite playmates and allies already and it warms my heart to no end. I know that sibling relationships are complicated and their relationship will get more complicated as they get older. I hope that they will always come back to being allies when they need each other.
Sammy imitates Clare’s every move. If she waves her arms over her head, Sammy waves his arms. If she sings a silly song, he’s right there trying to make up a harmony. If she reaches down to adjust her sock, Sammy’s bending over tugging at his sock. Sammy usually plays in the same room as Clare, even if they aren’t playing together he stays close by her. Yesterday she ran through the house swishing her new skirt and singing “la la la” so Sammy ran along behind, attempting to swish his t-shirt and singing “ah ah ah.”
Of course they annoy each other also. Last week Clare came running into the kitchen in her underwear crying “Sam stole my clothes! Sammy took my clothes before I could get them on! Sam hid my clothes and I don’t know where they are!” It took Clare and I ten minutes of searching the house to find her clothes (hidden in a bin inside her closet – he had opened the closet door, pulled the bin out, pushed it back, and closed the door again, which was pretty diabolical for a 19-month-old). Sammy just watched us with an amused little smile on his face. Clare rewarded him with a scornful “that’s not funny Sam! I don’t like you very much right now.”
A few minutes later Clare was dressed and wrestling with Sam in the living room. All was forgiven between sibs.