Clare at 4

Here’s a snapshot of our girl now that she’s settled comfortably into her fourth year.  While there are certainly moody days around our house, in general four has found our girl to be really delightful.  She’s usually very happy – skipping, jumping, leaping and hopping have replaced more pedestrian transportation.  She sings little songs, plays little games and is quite helpful around the house. 
Clare loves letters and is sososo close to reading.  She knows the sounds of the letters, identifies short words, and is beginning to sound words out with our help.  She’s also beginning to write and we’ll periodically come across her name written on various pieces of paper. 
A few weeks ago it was time for hair cuts.  Clare had been growing her hair out all summer in an attempt to make it long enough for a pony tail.  I told her that we were just going to cut her bangs short and leave the back long.  She shook her head and said “No. I want to cut it all short.  I want it to be short like Grandma’s hair.”  Huh, I didn’t expect that.  So we talked about how once it’s cut then she can’t put it in pony tails anymore.  I explained how long it would take to grow back long again, about how once hair has been cut it can’t be put back, etc.  It didn’t deter her at all.  We got to the kiddie salon and she picked out a picture of a cute little stacked bob.  She sat very patiently during the hair cut and when we were finished she declared that “I like it.  But it’s not as short as Grandma’s.”  No, but it actually looks a lot like Grandma T’s hair.  Either way, I think that she’s cute as a button.  The sassy little hair style completely suits  our sassy little girl.

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