If I were to rank our Family Values obviously love, communication, relationships with extended family and friends, respect and all those other good things would be listed but pretty high on the list, probably in the top 5 values, would be Food. Obviously food is essential to life, but beyond that we really value good, high quality, delicious food. Eating and making good meals brought J and I together when we were dating, and it’s something that we still enjoy doing. Now it’s taking on extra importance since it’s not just for our enjoyment but it’s also nourishing and sustaining our children.
We cook *all* *the* *time*. Seriously, I spent most of my waking hours planning meals, making grocery lists, shopping for groceries, prepping ingredients, cooking food and washing dishes. Did I mention that I also work in the food industry? Even when I’m at work I’m thinking about food! Oh yeah, and we eat a little bit. Yes it’s a chore, but it’s something that we think is important. Our children know where food comes from, and they will know how to prepare it for themselves.
But it’s also fun. Friday night is Pizza Night at our house. Sometimes, depending on how harried the week has been, it’s pizza that we get delivered. On our best nights, our favorite Fridays, we make our own pizza. J makes the dough in advance, and the kids help him roll it out and put the toppings on. The kids (especially Clare) feel very proud eating food that they prepared. And we all enjoy doing a “project” together with delicious results.