Quotes and Pictures and Catch-up

It’s been months since I’ve done a slice-o-life photo drop and funny quote round-up.  This is just a slight skim from the cream of our life, but it’s an idea of the silliness and sassiness that we live with.

 Clare: Mom, I made my own breakfast and snack today ALL BY MYSELF. I don’t think I need you anymore. I can live someplace else… Oh wait, I can’t make lunch or dinner. I guess I’ll stay here a little while longer.

Clare: Mom, I want a pretty miserable dress to wear today.

Me: Do you know that miserable means not very happy?

Clare: Really?  I just want a pretty dress.  I don’t want a not happy dress.

Me: Clare, please clean up your toys.
Clare: who is coming over?
Me: No one is coming over.
Clare: then why do I have to clean up?
(Yep, I’m the Housekeeper Of The Year.)

Me: No bathroom talk Clare. (You parents of preschoolers know what I’m talking about.)
Clare: But Mama, we’re in the bathroom.

Clare: Mom!  I don’t want to brush my teeth.  It makes me feel so… bo-ring!

 “Mom!  Take a picture of me!  I’m a terrible, wicked spider on a web.”
“Take pit-tur me!  Me too ‘Pider.”

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