She makes some sounds that sound suspiciously like words these days. I’m not quite ready to call something her first word yet, but, for example, she makes a “hhhiiiieeee” noise when she sees someone for the first time. Often she’ll make a “doo” noise when she sees the dog and sort of clicks her mouth like “itty” when she sees the cat (kitty). It hasn’t been with enough regularity and consistency to say for certain that she’s using words, but it’s often enough that I’m pretty sure she’s trying hard to imitate our speech. She’s become such a little mimic lately. Any time J vibrates his lips, or makes a funny noise with his mouth, she’ll work on the sound until she copies it. Honestly, the kid makes complex noises that I can’t make. It’s pretty impressive. It’s sort of like Advanced Raspberry Blowing.
Look at this little cutie. What you can’t see from this picture is that a few minutes earlier she was trying to pull herself up on the crib. Yes, we’ve reached a new phase in Clare’s development – where she tries to pull herself up to standing. She’s also trying her darndest to move from sitting to all-fours, but she hasn’t figured it out yet. She has, though, figured out that she can sort of scoot herself in a sitting position forward with little hops. It’s pretty funny and works best on wooden floors.
Other fun stuff from the last week includes Clare ‘giving’ me things. In the past she hasn’t quite figured out the ‘letting go’ of giving something away. She would put a toy in my hand but not let go of it. Now she lets it go (and I say thank you), and then she takes it back again. This is noticeable because it means that she puts things back – the rings go back on her stacking toy, the birds go back in her little birdhouse, etc. I like to think it’s the first step is cleaning up after herself 🙂
I had one of my first big “mommy guilt” moments this last week. We had a great weekend together, complete with a trip to the farmers market and a hike at Silver Falls. On Monday Clare was excited to see Mary and Gabriel and my mid-day update was that she was having a great day. When I picked her up at 5:15 I was met with a red-faced and puffy-eyed little girl. Mary said she had woken up from her nap a little fussy and hadn’t snapped out of it. Immediately she started smiling and laughing when she saw me and didn’t stop. I think my little girl missed me! Up until now I’ve said that Clare doesn’t miss me during the day, since she has such a great time with Mary. We are very, very fortunate that she is so loved and cared for so well. We miss her, but I’ve doubted that she even notices we’re gone because she’s having such a great time. However, Monday was the first day that I know that my little girl missed *me* and no matter how much she loves Mary (and she LOVES Mary), she wanted Mom and I wasn’t there. Sniff sniff – this parenting thing isn’t for the faint of heart.
Lastly, we had a big (BIG) milestone last night. Clare McPherson slept from 7:30 pm until 6:30 am and didn’t wake up to eat. She did fuss once in the night, but a binky and blanky readjustment put her back to sleep. She did not nurse at all in the night, which is a new, and wonderful record. I don’t have any illusions it’ll happen again tonight, but it was a lovely, lovely foreshadowing of things to (eventually) come.