We spent Clare’s ten-month birthday in Sun Valley, ID, where I had a conference for work. The conference was good, but traveling to a beautiful place with the family was better. This trip was just one of our whirlwind May, where J was in Orange County two weeks ago, Greg visited last week, we just got back from Sun Valley, I go to Chicago this Friday, J goes to Las Vegas on Saturday (there’s about a 12 hour gap between when he leaves and I get back, so we’re both out of the state for 12 hours – thank goodness for grandparents!), and Grandma T arrives on Saturday! Oh wait, but that’s not all – next week JP and Deb arrive for a much anticipated visit. Whew! To much fun stuff going on (and some silly work stuff too). This weekend is also the first birthday of Clare’s best buddy Gabriel, and Clare is going to bring us along as her date to the party. It seems like not that long ago Robin and I were both pregnant and working out the details of the nannyshare agreement.
She continues to be our little social butterfly. I can’t remember if I’ve written about this before or not, but every time Clare sees another baby she starts talking to them. At the Boise Airport Clare saw a little girl halfway across the terminal and started to call out to her. It’s pretty cute, even when other kids don’t react accordingly, like this little girl who was to sleepy to notice. It’ll be fun when she has more words and we can understand what she’s saying to them.