An incomplete guide to the last two weeks in pictures (a lot of pictures)

Grandma came to visit! Yay! We love Grandma!

Clare showed her some of her new tricks, like taking out all of her books from the basket and putting them on the floor. Oh! And getting into weird positions while looking at books – doesn’t look comfortable to me…
Grandma brought the best gift ever! A Clare-sized rocking chair from Great-Grandma in Glendive, Montana! Clare immediately started rocking in the chair and continues to love it.

What could be better than one Grandma? Why two Grandma’s of course! Grandma T visited from Alaska and promptly fell even more in love with our Clare Bear. The feeling was mutual.

Between lots of Grandma-loving Clare has been working on new tricks – like pulling up and crawling.

“Hey, what’s up here?”
“Hmmmppffff – gotta get my foot under me if I’m going to get that candle.”

“What are you doing Mom?”

“That’s hard work! I’ll just play with Monkey instead.”

And lastly, and perhaps most importantly, Clare-Bear is now officially mobile. She took her first crawls on a Friday night (my first overnight away from her) right in front of Daddy. He got it on video and I’ll post that shortly. Parenting in the digital age meant that he called me as it was happening and then promptly took a cell phone video that he sent out to everyone he could think of. By the time I actually saw her crawl for the first time on Sunday practically the whole world knew about it. Clare loves crawling and being mobile. It means that things are very interesting at our house – J and I are trying to keep one crawl ahead of her busy little fingers. It’s a challenge but so far so good.

So you’d think that in all of this picture-taking we would have taken pictures of JP and Deb’s visit and our Memorial Day weekend in Bend. Sadly, there is no photographic evidence of our relaxing weekend, hanging out with JP and Debbie, Deb’s strawberry cupcakes, Clare’s first taste of frosting, JP’s bread making, lovely long walks along the Deschutes River or across lava fields, the pair of swans on the river outside the house, or any of the other relaxing memories. There’s also no photographic evidence of Jeremy’s business trip to Las Vegas, my business trip to Chicago, or the colds that Clare and I had last week. Phew! It’s been a wild ride the last month and we’re all looking forward to a slightly calmer June.

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