Child’s Play

After the “sassy pants” episode of last week, this week has been really fun in the Mac House. Clare is back to being her usual delightful self and amazes us with her development and view on the world. Truly, she’s just a lot of fun. She’s starting to play little games, participate in activities that require a (brief) attention span, and communicate more every day.

See – even J’s excited!

Clare’ s started to show an interest in stacking blocks – not just knocking down the blocks that I stack. She worked on these blocks for about 20 minutes, very seriously the whole time. It’s fun to watch her understand spatial relationships and also develop the fine motor skills to explore them.

She’s still our little bookworm, and I found her reading a book the other day while sitting on her “bike.” It didn’t look very comfortable to me…

More coloring! At least once every day Clare asks to “cah-worr.” Mostly she likes to play with the different crayons rather than creating a picture. She’s pretty good at identifying the colors yellow and black. She selects a crayon, draws a line with it, asks what color it is (or declares that it’s a color), and then puts the crayon back and gets another one.

We’re also seeing more and more imagination role playing. The picture above is of Clare putting her beloved monkey to sleep. She covered him with her blanky, patted him and whispered “night night.” I almost spontaneously combusted from the cuteness. She cuddles her “babies,” pushes them in the shopping cart, puts them in the high chair, and this morning I saw her trying to put a diaper on her elephant. She also had me give her monkey a horsie ride the other day.

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