Clare would like you to know that she’s a big sister now. She’s getting used to that fact and every now and then it comes up in conversation. Today she asked me if I was a big sister too. I told her that yes, her Uncle JP was my little brother. I’m not sure she believed me.
Meanwhile, Sam continues to be a heartstealer. We’re beginning to get to know him a little bit and he’s quite a bit mellower than we expected giving his first few minutes in the world. At this point, in classic newborn fashion pretty much all he does is sleep (lots of sleeping), eat (LOTS of eating – every two to three hours), and poop (lots of that too). He loves to be held and snuggled and when he does fuss a little cuddle usually puts him right.
So far balancing the two kids has been easier than I expected, but J has been off work the last week so real life begins tomorrow. We’ve been able to keep Clare on her usual nannyshare/preschool schedule so this has meant that J, Sam and I have had lots of time during the day to nap, relax, do house and yard work, and babygaze. Clare has really liked keeping her usual visits to Adam and preschool. I’ve asked her if she would rather stay home and she doesn’t want to. I’ve talked to Adam and her teachers and they’ve reported that she isn’t interested in talking much about Baby Sam, but has been in a good mood. I think she likes to have some places that not affected by the baby. She’s always happy to come home and the first words out of her mouth are “Where’s Baby Sam?”
A few cute Clare stories from the last week:
- She loves to sit on the counter in the mornings, eating her peanut butter and jam sandwich and drinking milk, and chat with me while I’m making coffee and oatmeal for breakfast. It’s become a nice morning ritual for us and gives me some Mom-Clare time to start the day.
- Yesterday morning J made us all blueberry pancakes and Clare declared them “the best of the best!” She’s also started saying “Sa-weet” when she likes things, which I think she got from WordWorld.
- In the picture below, she is “Super Clare” complete with her super hero cape. She doesn’t know it, but she’s getting a real superhero cape and crown for Christmas.
Your boy sure is handsome! I wonder how Vi will adjust to becoming a big sister.