Christmas 2011

Merry Christmas from the McPherson’s! While this post has been a long time coming, I’ve assembled a ton of photos to illustrate the merriment that was.
To begin, the picture above is the official Santa picture, and you can see that none of the children were all that thrilled with the experience. It’s actually an improvement on Clare’s previous Santa visits where she wouldn’t even get close enough to him to actually take a picture. I love how Clare and Maddy are giving the camera a very similar look and identical head tilt. Looking at this picture makes me think that I was torturing my child but moments before she and Maddy were happily playing in line together (super cute matching dresses courtesy of Grandma and Grandpa).
Besides visiting Santa, we spent a lot of time relaxing at home, eating, opening presents, and playing with the kiddos. Maddy was eight months old, Clare was almost two and a half, and Sam was seven weeks. It’s crazy to imagine that in six and a half months sleepy, snugly Sam is going to be as active and vivacious as Miss Maddy. Watching the different stages of development was really fun. Even more fun was watching that Maddy and Clare can actually play together a little bit. They really, really like each other and would smile and giggle whenever they saw each other. It was cuteness overload and we all loved it. See pictures below for maximum cuteness!

Besides snuggling with cute kids, we did the usual eating fabulous meals (courtesy of Chef Jeremy), opening presents, and baking/eating cookies.

We finished the whole holiday with a trip to Zoolights – all 9 of us. Yes, there are 9 Dion-McPherson’s now. Sheesh, we’re a basketball team.

Lastly, here is a picture that J took when I dropped some chocolate on little Sam’s face. He doesn’t seem to mind 🙂

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