Sam at Two Months

Sam is Smiling! All of a sudden last week he started holding eye contact longer, smiling, cooing and “talking” back to us. He follows us with his eyes as we walk around and is just becoming much more social. We spent a lot of the holidays with my parents, and my dad mentioned that it seemed like literally overnight he became a different baby. Rather he went from being a squishy newborn to a being a more active and interactive infant. As I recall these next few months are so fun because the baby is fun to play with and show the world, but not mobile yet.

As we’re learning more about Sam’s personality, he continues to be Mr. Mellow. His whole demeanor is very relaxed and fairly calm, though when he gets riled up he can throw a good fit. He’s super snuggly and loves to be held and talked to. When he’s upset about something, and he’s not hungry, a good cuddle will calm him back down.

Sam is a BIG BOY, so all of the cuddling and carrying him is giving me some biceps. In a few weeks we have his two month pediatrician appointment and I’m curious to see what he weighs. My guess is about 15 lbs. since this is about what Maddy weighs and the two of them were about the same heft at Christmas. He’s also in his six month size clothes now. Yes, I will repeat that my two month old is wearing six month size clothing. I’m starting to wonder about when he’s going to outgrow his car seat, bouncy seat, swing, etc. I also need to do some baby clothes shopping.

While I cringe to actually “write this out loud” I will say that Sam has turned into a good sleeper. I was concerned based on his first few weeks (which are a bit of a sleep-deprived blur in retrospect) but now he usually only wakes up once a night to eat and easily falls back to sleep. Occasionally he’ll wake up twice, but he’s not up for very long so we are slowly, slowly catching back up on sleep. More often then not, he still ends up sleeping in bed next to me for part of the night because I’m to lazy to take him back to his crib at 3 am. I like our midnight snuggles and he does too.

As Sam’s getting more aware of his world, he and Clare are starting to interact a little more. She’s a very proud big sister and is very good with him. He smiles whenever he sees her and tries to watch her as she flitters around the house.

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