A Thousand Little moments

One of my New Year’s resolutions is to be more present with my children and family. I can’t put more minutes into the day (though sometimes I try by sleeping less) but I can make the most of each minute I have. With very young children we’re dealing with very short attention spans. An enjoyable day is really just a day where we have more good moments than bad, so being present gives me the opportunity to really savor the good moments. There are plenty (plenty!) of not-so-good moments but I usually find a way to be present for those.
Good moments around here include Sam’s contented sighs after he eats. Watching him kick his feet in the bath (the kid LOVES his baths). Seeing him recognize his favorite toy and smile at it. His quiet way of watching the world. Anytime he and Clare make eye contact and start their relationship. The soft way he snuggles against my shoulder. Rocking him to sleep and feeling him go limp in my arms.
Clare’s pride and excitement when she realized she could reach the light switch to turn it off. Teaching her to use a scissors. Making cupcakes together and introducing her to licking frosting off the beaters. “You take care of Baby Sam now Mama. We can read later.” “I’m your good helper Mama!” after she put Sam’s laundry basket in his room and put his dirty clothes in it.
Singing songs together. Making dinner and eating it as a family. Piggyback rides up and down the hallway. Clare saying “don’t forget to hug Daddy good bye too!” Reading books with a child on each knee.
A thousand precious moments.

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