Seven Months

This sweet little fella is seven months old today!  Happy Birthday Buddy!

In honor of Sam’s seventh month I’m going to try to to capture the joy and sunshine of this little guy.  Sure he has the occasional cranky moment or two (usually around food or sleep) but his default mode is one of happiness and contentment.  Sam is alright with the world and often finds things just delightful.  His happiness and ease are infectious and he’s so pleasant to have around.  I spend most of my days with him toted on my hip just snuggling and absorbing his Sam-ness.  Adam and I joke that holding Sammy lowers your blood pressure.

A few developmental milestones of the past month include we’re starting to hear an occasional consonant in his babbling.  For the most part he babbles vowels, and does a deep growl (see video below), but he’ll throw in a “mamama” when he’s upset or sometimes a “w” or “s” sound.  He’s not as verbal as Clare was, but considering how physical he is I’ve started doing some baby signs with him.  I think we’ll try to take a baby sign language class pretty soon.  He even tried to imitate the sign for “more” the other day, which is another type of babbling.
Sammy’s newfound love, besides his sister (who he ADORES), is food.  He wants food, food and more food.  If we’re eating something he’s fascinated and tries to take it from us.  I’m still trying to introduce his food slowly, going a few days between new foods, going with purees, etc. just in case he has a sensitive tummy or allergies.  He makes it difficult through because the one thing that makes him really frustrated is watching other people eat.  He can put it away too.  Last night I fed him two servings of pureed squash and chicken at dinner and then, after he threw a fit trying to pull food off my plate, I ended up giving him some of my squash and chicken.  I didn’t puree the food off my plate, I just tried to mash it with my fork.  He seemed to prefer this and did a pretty good job chewing.  Of course I’ve been a baby food-making machine the past few weeks so the little guy will have to continue eating purees for a little while so we can move through the freezer stash.  
As with Clare, Sam isn’t a big fan of being spoon-fed.  I’m pretty sure he’d much rather feed himself, but unfortunately his fine motor skills haven’t caught up to his intentions and he can’t quite get small pieces of food to his mouth yet.  Even with his frustration with being spoon-fed purees when he, obviously, would rather be eating a steak by himself thank-you-very-much he’s a really, really good eater.  
Finally, the little fellow isn’t crawling yet but I predict it will be this month.  He sooooooo wants to crawl and I bet it all connects in the next few weeks.  God help us.

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