Last night we instituted what I call “sleep defense.” It’s a little trick that we use every now and then as a last resort when Clare is giving us several nights in a row of rough sleep. I had heard that 4 months is a hard time for sleeping, but I don’t think I fully understood how hard it would be until now. We’ve had several weeks of off-again, on-again nights – Clare was waking up to eat 2 or 3 times a night instead of her usual 1 or 2 times, crying and needing to be shushed back to sleep almost every hour, or just wanting to wake up and play after her 4 am feeding (my personal favorite). We won’t even go into what a challenge naps have been. Sometimes it’s felt like all I’ve done on a given day is try to get Clare to sleep. Well, Saturday night it came to a head and J and I maybe had 2 hours of interrupted sleep each. We were in Bend and Clare decided that the pack and play, which she had slept in fairly well the night before, was not acceptable to sleep in. Every time we tried to put her down in it she would slam her heels into the ground, wake herself up and start to cry. Three hours of this… You’d think we would have figured out the system earlier but I blame the sleep deprivation. She would sleep in bed with us, however she was tossing and turning so much that *we* didn’t sleep.
On this Thanksgiving we have so many things to be thankful for at Casa McPherson. Of course we always have had lots to be thankful for but for some reason this year it seems especially important recognize it. The combination of the economy and Clare’s arrival has really distilled our priorities this year. We’re a blessed family and it’s good to remember that.
What greeted me yesterday afternoon
A big, beautiful world
Another wonderful week in the world of Clare. I really should just rename our blog from Adventures with the Family Mac to One Mom’s Adoration of her Baby. I recognize that I lay on the adoring a little bit thick – but what can I say, it’s how I feel. Last night I was changing her diaper over at Mom and Dad’s and all four of us adults were standing around her, making big silly fools of ourselves trying to get a smile out of her. I think even the dogs were in on it. Mom commented that it really isn’t fair to subsequent children in the family because there will be fewer times when the entire attention of four adults (and 2 dogs) are entirely focused on one child. Or maybe that’s actually a good thing… if we keep up this level of attention and adoration for her it will be hard to keep her little ego in check. Oh well, I’ll deal with that later 🙂
Four months
I forgot to include all of Clare’s new fun tricks in the last blog post. Gosh darn, guess I’ll have to write another post fawning over my amazing daughter and include a cute video or two of her.
- She’s becoming a happier baby. Not to say that she wasn’t happy before, but she’s very quick to smile and look around and less quick to cry. Her first three months she had very little tolerance for her needs not being met immediately. Now she has a little more tolerance and adaptability. For instance, she can be distracted out of a fuss by something interesting (like us smiling at her). She doesn’t cry getting in and out of the car seat, having her clothes changed, or other little things that used to really bug her. She’s also enjoying being able to entertain herself more and we can set her up in her crib, play mat or in her Bumbo chair with a toy or two and she’s pretty happy for a little while.
- She loves most to interact with people. Even when we do set her up with some toys she plays happily but really lights up when we come back and talk to her.
- She is becoming a champion raspberry-blower and practices all the time. Seriously, if she’s awake and not talking she’s probably either blowing a raspberry or is about to. She’s quite proud of herself after she does it.
- Sleep is something that should be fought – with smiles and coos. This isn’t terribly new (I think I remember writing about it a month ago) but it’s kind of annoying. Particularly at night she’ll be almost asleep and then open her eyes and blow a raspberry. Last night she did this at 4 a.m. and promptly got herself put in the swing to entertain herself while I dozed. When she was done playing she fussed a bit, I picked her up and she promptly fell asleep in my arms.
- She’s a pretty good sleeper – though, as always, writing that will mean that tonight is a rough night. In general she goes down between 7 and 7:30 and wakes up once or twice to feed before getting up for the day between 6:30 and 7. On weekends we can usually put her down again until after 8 and then her morning nap is shorter.
- She’s beginning to reach for things with both hands and use both hands to manipulate and play with objects. Before she was just using one hand and occasionally the other hand would bat at the toy. Now she’s figuring out how to work both hands at the same time. Of course they always work in the direction of her mouth.
- She’s still our little cuddle bug and I’ve taken to calling her “Bug” for short. She loves to be held, sit in your lap or lie next to you. However, she now is getting very good at grabbing hair, earrings, necklaces, mouths, etc. so I’m on defense when I’m holding her.
Strong Baby
Here is our little bathing beauty in the tub the other day. She loves bath time and kicks and splashes so much that I have to put her little tub in the big tub instead of the sink like I used to.
Our Lil’ Punkin’
Have you ever seen such a cute little pumpkin? Big thanks to Auntie Terri for the Halloween outfit! Clare is a little to young for trick or treating, but we did pass out candy at Mom and Dad’s house. Mostly it was an opportunity for photo ops with our little cutie-pie.
Irish Eyes are Smiling Again
You Should See the Other Guy
It’s been a little bit of a stressful week at our house. After a very healthy three months our baby girl had her first illness. She’s always had a blocked tear duct but this last week her eye became infected. I guess this is common with blocked tear ducts. Before it got better her little eye was almost swollen shut and she looked like the world’s tiniest prizefighter. It came an issue because she didn’t respond to the eye drops and Jeremy had a rushed last minute trip to the pediatrician and pharmacy to get oral antibiotics. Then we discovered that Clare doesn’t particularly like the taste of her antibiotics so we’ve been experimenting with different ways of getting her to eat it.