Ahhh – is there anything more lovely than spring in Oregon? Tonight Clare, Sadie and I went out for a nice walk before bedtime. I showed Clare all of the flowers that were blooming, letting her sniff some of them and touch the petals (and tried to keep her from eating them). She laughed at the dogs who walked past us and yelled at the cars driving on the road. It was a nice way to unwind from the day before dinner. We’ve gone for several long and short walks in the past week and spent some time out on our sadly neglected back deck. I’ve started blowing bubbles for Clare, which she alternately ignores or is confused by.
Who’s Your Paddy?
In case you can’t read Clare’s onesie, it says Who’s Your Paddy? with a little shamrock. Our Irish girl celebrated St. Patrick’s Day in style with appropriate attire from Auntie Carrie.
Clari-belle is making huge developmental strides these days. It’s hard for us to keep up with her! Between the time I wrote and posted the last blog it was already out of date. Literally, on Friday Clare was ‘working on the pincher grasp’ and by Saturday she reached for a blueberry, picked it up between her index finger and thumb and put it in her mouth. Somehow that connected in her sleep on Friday night. She’s also gotten a little bit closer to actually talking. On Saturday she and J spent the day together (I, unfortunately, had a 13 hour day at work) and from morning until night all she said was “dadadadadada.” There’s been a lot of “dadada” and “mamama,” sometimes it even seems to be directed at J and I. She’s also imitated some of my intonation – I sang “all done” to her and she imitated my sing-song. I’m thinking we’ll get some words sooner rather than later.
The end of the seventh month
There are a few things I want to remember at Clare’s seventh month. (I actually wrote this post a few days ago, but I’ll be posting it on her eighth month birthday).
- Her favorite toy is the stacking cups. She LOVES her stacking cups and if given the choice of several toys will reach for them first. She doesn’t quite get the whole stacking/nesting thing but she loves to bang them together.
- It’s becoming very apparent how auditory she is. She’s started to notice pictures in books, but in general she’s not especially visual. A toy may have several pictures on it, but she’ll really pay attention to it if it makes a sound. She loves toys that have crinkles, bells, rattles, or any kind of noise maker.
- Her fine motor skills are coming along. She’s so close to having a ‘pincher’ grasp, where she can pinch things between her index finger and thumb. We let her practice by picking up small pieces of banana, blue berries or other food off of her high chair tray.
- Loud noises are beginning to scare her. She cries when I run the vacuum and cried when I ground coffee this morning.
- She is really getting into food. So far she hasn’t found a food that she doesn’t like, though there are foods that she prefers more than others. She’s not a huge fan of carrots, but has taken to peas and peaches very quickly. Avocado continues to be her favorite food and she’ll wolf down an avocado slice in no time. However, she doesn’t really like to drink anything. She looks at me with a confused expression when I try to give her water in a cup. I got some juice today, so maybe she’ll prefer that.
- She is developing a nice friendship with her little friend Gabriel. They play together 3 days a week with Nanny Mary. Clare loves her days there, as soon as we walk in the door she starts to look around and call for Mary and Gabriel. The babies ‘talk’ to and smile at each other all day (including when they’re supposed to be napping – much to Mary’s frustration).
Rollin’ All Over the Place
Once the rolling starts, there’s no way to stop it. Our girl is a rolling machine. It’s taking a bit of adjustment for us to get used to her moving around – I went into the kitchen the other day and when I came back Clare had moved 6 feet and was trying to get into the dog’s bed. She is having a lot of fun with it though and it’s neat to see her exploring her world more.
A banner week
I’ve been remiss in the blog again, but it’s been such a busy, busy week around here that I haven’t had much time to sit still. The highlight has been a visit from Grandma T. Clare took to her immediately (of course) and was bursting into smiles for her within a day. Yesterday she greeted Grandma with a big hug after a nap. We didn’t do to much during the visit, but Grandma T and Clare got lots of bonding time in. It was also an exciting week, full of milestones for Teresa to witness.
An unfortunate first
Sorry for the posting delay (Grandma T). We’ve been dealing with our first family illness in the Land of McPherson. Really it’s amazing that it’s taken this long – Clare has been a remarkably healthy baby. Not being in daycare helps with that tremendously. My friends who have kids in daycare tell horror stories of multiple rounds of ear infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, etc. It was actually J who brought home a cold last week, then Clare got it, and finally me. It was a pretty mild cold, but it wasn’t fun for any of us. It was particularly traumatic for Clare, since she considers having her nose wiped a form of torture that should be covered by the Geneva Convention.
Our favorite photographer
This week we had our favorite photographer David Lim come and take pictures of Clare. David’s work is known by blog followers (aka our mothers) since he took our maternity pictures and the pictures of Clare when she was a week old. David’s a weekend photographer, but his pictures are amazing. He’s also been a great friend to us – he and his wife Jennilyn are parents to two sweet little girls (Kadie and Violet – Clare’s birthday buddy) and they were the ones who introduced us to the Bradley Method for birth. Funny story, both Jenn and I were over a week past our due dates in July and were just sick and tired of being pregnant. We would call/text each other to offer moral support/commiserate. I texted her when I was going to be induced and she texted back that she was having regular contractions. A few (or maybe more then a few) hours later I texted her and said “I had a baby girl” and she said “me too!”
This picture is one of my favorites. This is a common expression of Clare’s – it’s her “figuring it out” look. In this picture she’s figuring out David’s camera and what exactly he’s doing.
6 month reunion
This is such a fun age. Clare is so interactive, interesting and joyful these days. I was telling J the other day that the words “pride and joy” take on new meaning. Every little accomplishment brings such feelings of pride – it’s normal baby development going from a little lump who can’t do anything except swallow and cry (well, they do more then that but you know what I mean) to a full little being with personality, preferences and attitude. Still, the normal development is a series of little miracles that keep us in awe every day. This week she started clapping, or at least trying to. She doesn’t get any sound when she claps her hands (those darn fingers get in the way), but today she clapped some stacking cups together and loved that.
Little Miss’ latest accomplishment is holding her own bottle. She’s been doing this for Mary for a couple of weeks now, but J got her doing it this week. She even corrects herself when she drops the bottle to low for milk to come. Such a little smartie. I don’t have any pictures, but she’s sitting up really well right now too. Today she sat up for about ten minutes completely unsupported. She’ll start to topple over, catch herself and pull herself back upright. She also was sitting on my lap today on the floor with her feet in front of her and she launched herself forward. Of course she landed on her head, scaring me to death but not startling her at all. Hmmm – I see a new phase Clare’s life. It will be a phase full of bonked heads.
Last but not least, here is a picture with the toes in the mouth. This is a common occurrence for all diaper and clothes changes.
70 and 35
What are those numbers you ask? What is the significance of 70 and 35? Well, let me tell ya. At her last pediatrician appointment (the 6 month well check) Clare was in the 70% for height (26.3 inches) and the 35% for weight (15.04 lbs). She’s still a long skinny little thing, but J reminded me that she was at the 25% for weight at her 4 month check so she’s gaining ground. Grow baby girl grow!
Six Whole Months
It’s crazy to believe that a mere six months ago we were still in the hospital introducing ourselves to our precious little Clare. When I look at pictures it’s hard to believe it’s the same baby – she was such a long skinny little thing. I called her my little bird baby and she kind of was, she sort of chirped and flapped like a skinny little bird. Now she’s round and chubby in the sweet little baby way, certainly makes more noises besides little chirps, and moves beyond little flaps. Gosh these little buggers grow up so fast!
Anyway, I digress. It’s been a good week around here. Mary, Clare’s amazing nanny, was out for the week with a family emergency so we figured out a schedule with me, J, my mom and a substitute sitter to watch Clare. While it took some juggling, we all enjoyed the extra time with her. I’ve been home with her on Thursday and Friday and I’m not really looking forward to going back to work tomorrow. Hmmmm, maybe there’s something to the stay-at-home-mom thing… (that sound you hear is J gulping – I’m just kidding Sweetie, mostly).
Our girl continues to be the most vocal 6-month-old I’ve ever met. Right now she’s playing on the floor and going “Blah blah blah.” It’s pretty funny. Jeremy says sometimes it sounds like we should be able to understand her since her intonation and rhythm are so much like English. No wonder since she loves to be talked and sung to. I’m expanding my repertoire – She’s Coming Round the Mountain and Baa Baa Black Sheep are current favorites. Suggestions are welcome, since I sing the same half a dozen songs several times a day.
She loves her exersaucer and has figured out that if she pushes a specific button music plays. She spent about 15 minutes this morning pushing it over and over and listening to the songs. Fortunately the song changes each time – otherwise we’d be pulling the batteries out. She’s still not QUITE rolling over but came thisclose to going from back to front this morning. She is starting to wiggle around more – Friday night J went into check on her after she went to sleep and saw that she had rotated 180 degrees from where he put her down. She’s very strong and holds herself up in push-ups all the time. She also sat up by herself for about 2 minutes yesterday without any support.
Speaking of bed – she has a new game. It’s called the Binky game and it’s where she spits her binky out instead of going down for a nap. She then pushes herself up on her arms and “cries” for us to come in. I figured it out by hiding behind the door and watching her do it – she spit the binky out, cried and then turned back toward the door to see if I was coming. Little Stinker! We’ll be figuring out a way to nip that in the bud soon.
Swimming continues to be fun and one of the highlights of the week. She enjoyed it a little more this week – talked and ‘growled’ a little more, cried a little less, etc.
On a sad note, our kitty cat Prowler isn’t doing well. We’re working on a treatment plan but also facing the reality that it might not work. It’s casting a shadow over our house right now.