Moving whining aside, Clare is pretty cute these days. She struggled with the move a little bit so we saw some extra whining, testing and general crankiness. Fortunately the struggle is over and she loves her new house. I planned to set up her room like a reading nook with all of her books and comfy places to sit – I figured she’d love the quiet time in there. Nope. No more quiet time in this house! While Clare regularly played quietly in her room in the condo, in the new house she likes to run, generally shrieking or singing, from one end of the house to the other. I think she likes to be able to stretch her legs. She also likes to look out the windows, point out when the neighbors wind “chines” are chiming, and climb on the kitchen chairs.
From the land of boxes and packing tape
We are the proud owners of a beautiful new house!! J spent last weekend installing closet organizers and getting the posts in to put up gates in the back yard. This weekend is the big move and we are very excited about it! We love the neighborhood, the house, the kitchen, the yard… I’m in the idealistic dreamy stage where I think everything will be perfect in our new house. That is, once we move in.
Some fun new words of Clare’s include “hola!” She doesn’t understand that it means the same thing as hello, but she says “Hola!” over and over. “Hola Mama! Hola Sadie! Hola Daddy!” It’s pretty cute. She’s also continued her pattern of adding a Y to the ends of words, but I think I’ve noticed the pattern that it’s only the things that she loves most. For example, “painty,” “col-y” (color), “milky,” “noody” (noodles – her favorite food), “Wockery” (her toy Wocket), “trucky,” “moony,” etc. She uses the Y when she wants something or is excited by it.
A plethora of pictures
Life around here is crazy. Let me repeat – C-R-A-Z-Y. It’s a big mix of good and bad (mostly good) but J and I are each walking around with dazed expressions feeling like we’ve been hit by a bunch of little superballs from all directions. Rather than focus on all of the work stress, family goings-on, packing, trying to navigate mortgages and refinancing (sheesh), I’ll just write some cute Clare stories to go along with Adam’s pictures from January. (Warning: a lot of pictures ahead)
We are now all three speaking in a few full sentences around here. On Saturday Clare told me “I drop my binky” and tonight told Adam “I want my Mama.” She’s also told G “come on Gee! All done!” when she wanted him to finish doing something and follow her. Along with this development leap forward, there is the requisite not sleeping that goes along with it. She’s doing OK at night but she hasn’t taken any kind of decent nap in the past few days. I’m ready for that phase to end so we can get back to our normal schedule.
Painting! Clare is showing more and more affinity for art projects. She loves to paint and color. I’ve also started noticing her coloring with more intention. it’s not just broad strokes on paper, but she’ll tell me she’s coloring “cir-cohs” (circles) or the other day she colored the feet in her coloring book. It will be fun to watch this develop. She’s pretty good with identifying colors, particularly blue, yellow (“lellow”), black and green. Sometimes she takes a little creative license though, like last week she told me I had a “lellow owie” and a “boo (blue) owie” (for the record, I don’t).
She loves to help with laundry. She’s not always such a help with folding laundry, unless you count moving it from one pile to another helping. However, she’s pretty good at loading the washing machine. In the next house our washer won’t be in the middle of the kitchen (joy joy joy!) so she may get out of practice.
We’ll end with a picture of Clare and her beloved blanky. She loves that thing – so much that I’ve bought 4 of them so that we have two at the house (one is always being washed), one at my parents house and one at nannyshare. Clare also uses a binky for sleeping and we work pretty hard to reinforce that it’s for sleeping only. The blanky, however, has a little more freedom to roam and often comes out for middle of the day snuggling. We’re still fighting the February sniffles (I think Clare has had a runny nose for 4 weeks straight) so blanky has been in demand.
Celebration of Love and Stuff
Besides Valentine’s activities of reading books, eating (and cheering for) dinner, and Clare’s favorite hugging/kissing relay between her parents, we’ve been celebrating J’s birthday. On Saturday we dropped the kiddo off with the grandparents and went into wine country with our friends. BC (Before Child), I don’t think I fully appreciated how luxurious a whole day spent just enjoying food, wine and good company was. To top it off (and it didn’t really need topping, the day was so nice) J and I stayed at a very nice winery resort complete with delicious dinner and brunch. Ahhhhh… long bubble baths, a warm fire, good wine, sleeping in, uninterrupted conversations with each other… it seemed like a little slice of heaven.
Another item on the short list
Sickness aside, Clare is ridiculously fun and verbal these days. Yesterday she told our friend Carrie (Auntie Caw-wee in Clare-speak) that “Mama at work.” Tonight she said (with coaching) “I love Mama” and then immediately said (without coaching) “I love Gee.” She sings all the time – my favorite is her version of “Down by the Bay.” It goes a little something like “Down by Bay! alamala Moose! Mama Say! Down by Bay!” I’ll try to get it on video one of these days because it’s definitely something that I want to save.
- During the Super Bowl clare kept pointing at the screen and cheering “Go Ducks!” She learned that cheer back in January when U of O played in the BCS Bowl.
- She would not go to Ami’s today without her bead necklace. I tried to get her to leave it behind but she wouldn’t hear of it. It’s the first time she’s had such a strong opinion about what she’s wearing. I see a whole new phase of our life starting…
This is a favorite book of mine, and Clare likes it too. She’s started calling it ‘A day.’
Grandma T brought this book on her last visit, in honor of one of Clare’s favorite songs. Clare calls this book “ishy bish” and always says “oh no!” whenever the spider is in peril.
Mish mash post about 18.5 months
Lil’ Miss Feisty is getting more and more verbal every day. Her understanding of language is really incredible. If we ask her a question, something fairly basic and concrete, she generally understands it and responds or acts accordingly. It’s nice that we can give her some verbal direction or ask her to clarify something, but frustrating because when she doesn’t respond then we know that she is ignoring us on purpose. Adam told me a story that the other day they were singing she kept telling him “Bay… bay” and he said “I don’t know what you’re telling me. Can you show me?” Darned if she didn’t remember where her “Down by the Bay” songbook was and bring it to Adam.
Child’s Play
She’s still our little bookworm, and I found her reading a book the other day while sitting on her “bike.” It didn’t look very comfortable to me…
We’re also seeing more and more imagination role playing. The picture above is of Clare putting her beloved monkey to sleep. She covered him with her blanky, patted him and whispered “night night.” I almost spontaneously combusted from the cuteness. She cuddles her “babies,” pushes them in the shopping cart, puts them in the high chair, and this morning I saw her trying to put a diaper on her elephant. She also had me give her monkey a horsie ride the other day.
Clare is now wearing her sassy pants
“Wow! Look at the Moon-y”
Clare is on a pretty regular routine where she goes down for a nap at noon every day. A few weekends ago we were running errands and weren’t quite home in time for nap. At 12:03 on the dot Clare yells from the back seat “Blanky! Binky! Milk!” It was as if she looked at her watch and knew it was nap time.