We’re Back…

Yes, we are still alive around here, though the blog has been sorely neglected. Since last time we talked, we’ve packed up and moved about 1.5 miles away to our beautiful new house. The house is beautiful, the neighborhood is friendly, we have wonderful friends and family who helped us tremendously, and we are all enjoying being in a bigger space. It was also just as crazy, chaotic and exhausting and I thought it would be. I may never move again. We still have unpacked boxes sitting around (though now they are mostly limited to the office and the garage) and I still haven’t found my extra towels and a bunch of other things I’m just getting used to living without.
I’ll put in some pictures of Clare bopping around the new house – to give you an idea of what the new house looks like. Most of these pictures were taken in our first week here, so ignore the boxes and the laundry basket sitting around.

Moving whining aside, Clare is pretty cute these days. She struggled with the move a little bit so we saw some extra whining, testing and general crankiness. Fortunately the struggle is over and she loves her new house. I planned to set up her room like a reading nook with all of her books and comfy places to sit – I figured she’d love the quiet time in there. Nope. No more quiet time in this house! While Clare regularly played quietly in her room in the condo, in the new house she likes to run, generally shrieking or singing, from one end of the house to the other. I think she likes to be able to stretch her legs. She also likes to look out the windows, point out when the neighbors wind “chines” are chiming, and climb on the kitchen chairs.

I’ll write more about Clare’s latest milestones later, but here are a few pictures from our new front yard. The daffodils are blooming and it finally looks like it might be spring around here.

From the land of boxes and packing tape

We are the proud owners of a beautiful new house!! J spent last weekend installing closet organizers and getting the posts in to put up gates in the back yard. This weekend is the big move and we are very excited about it! We love the neighborhood, the house, the kitchen, the yard… I’m in the idealistic dreamy stage where I think everything will be perfect in our new house. That is, once we move in.

Oh the moving… It’s a good thing Clare is always in motion (marching, running, jumping, stomping, climbing, rolling, etc.) because if she sat still to long she might end up wrapped in bubble wrap and put in a box. We are in full-blown packing around here, which somehow means that the house is in a permanent state of mess and clutter. How is it that packing stuff away in boxes seems to increase the amount of stuff? I’ll never know.

Complaining aside, here are some cute Clare stories and pictures – including Grandma T’s visit several weeks ago. The little series below is of Clare and Grandma T playing catch with a pair of Daddy’s socks. Clare is pretty good at the throwing (and has great follow through) but doesn’t quite get the concept of catching yet.

Besides playing catch, Grandma T and Clare did their fair share of reading, playing, and usual activity. It snowed while Teresa was visiting, so they even went to play in the snow a few times. Clare also started saying “Gam-ma T” while Teresa was here.

Some fun new words of Clare’s include “hola!” She doesn’t understand that it means the same thing as hello, but she says “Hola!” over and over. “Hola Mama! Hola Sadie! Hola Daddy!” It’s pretty cute. She’s also continued her pattern of adding a Y to the ends of words, but I think I’ve noticed the pattern that it’s only the things that she loves most. For example, “painty,” “col-y” (color), “milky,” “noody” (noodles – her favorite food), “Wockery” (her toy Wocket), “trucky,” “moony,” etc. She uses the Y when she wants something or is excited by it.

Other favorite foods of the moment (and it will probably change tomorrow) include bananas, tortillas (“dor-dit-ahs”), yogurt (“yog-y”), and juice (“juicy”). Our girl is a good eater, though she’s especially fond of breads and pastas and less inclined towards meat and vegetables. I can usually get her to eat fruit and veggies (she’s partial to carrots, peas and sweet potatoes), but if she’s been a little picky on a certain day then I can always trick her by putting the veggies in a cheese quesadilla or mixing them with pesto and pasta.

A plethora of pictures

Life around here is crazy. Let me repeat – C-R-A-Z-Y. It’s a big mix of good and bad (mostly good) but J and I are each walking around with dazed expressions feeling like we’ve been hit by a bunch of little superballs from all directions. Rather than focus on all of the work stress, family goings-on, packing, trying to navigate mortgages and refinancing (sheesh), I’ll just write some cute Clare stories to go along with Adam’s pictures from January. (Warning: a lot of pictures ahead)

A few pics of Clare “caring” for her animals. This girl loves her animals! Notice that the bear is wearing a bib – of course.

We are now all three speaking in a few full sentences around here. On Saturday Clare told me “I drop my binky” and tonight told Adam “I want my Mama.” She’s also told G “come on Gee! All done!” when she wanted him to finish doing something and follow her. Along with this development leap forward, there is the requisite not sleeping that goes along with it. She’s doing OK at night but she hasn’t taken any kind of decent nap in the past few days. I’m ready for that phase to end so we can get back to our normal schedule.

Painting! Clare is showing more and more affinity for art projects. She loves to paint and color. I’ve also started noticing her coloring with more intention. it’s not just broad strokes on paper, but she’ll tell me she’s coloring “cir-cohs” (circles) or the other day she colored the feet in her coloring book. It will be fun to watch this develop. She’s pretty good with identifying colors, particularly blue, yellow (“lellow”), black and green. Sometimes she takes a little creative license though, like last week she told me I had a “lellow owie” and a “boo (blue) owie” (for the record, I don’t).
The shoes! She still loves to wear peoples shoes around. I bought her some new shoes last weekend and the delight on her face with her “new shoes!” was priceless. (In the picture above with Clare in the polka-dot vest she is singing the ABCs).

She loves to help with laundry. She’s not always such a help with folding laundry, unless you count moving it from one pile to another helping. However, she’s pretty good at loading the washing machine. In the next house our washer won’t be in the middle of the kitchen (joy joy joy!) so she may get out of practice.

We’ll end with a picture of Clare and her beloved blanky. She loves that thing – so much that I’ve bought 4 of them so that we have two at the house (one is always being washed), one at my parents house and one at nannyshare. Clare also uses a binky for sleeping and we work pretty hard to reinforce that it’s for sleeping only. The blanky, however, has a little more freedom to roam and often comes out for middle of the day snuggling. We’re still fighting the February sniffles (I think Clare has had a runny nose for 4 weeks straight) so blanky has been in demand.

One more cute nannyshare story – G picked up Clare’s blanky one day and Clare immediately yelled “No! Mine!” Adam mediated the toddler dispute, but then Clare ran into G’s room and got a blanket out of his crib and gave it to little G. So sweet!

Celebration of Love and Stuff

Happy Valentine’s Day from the McPherson family! As you can see, Clare is our favorite valentine. She’s in a little Valentine ensemble (aka an art project made on a paper bag) that she and Manny Adam have been working on the past few weeks. Clare has been loving the art projects, requesting “painting” regularly.


Besides Valentine’s activities of reading books, eating (and cheering for) dinner, and Clare’s favorite hugging/kissing relay between her parents, we’ve been celebrating J’s birthday. On Saturday we dropped the kiddo off with the grandparents and went into wine country with our friends. BC (Before Child), I don’t think I fully appreciated how luxurious a whole day spent just enjoying food, wine and good company was. To top it off (and it didn’t really need topping, the day was so nice) J and I stayed at a very nice winery resort complete with delicious dinner and brunch. Ahhhhh… long bubble baths, a warm fire, good wine, sleeping in, uninterrupted conversations with each other… it seemed like a little slice of heaven.

But, of course, by Sunday morning we were itching to get back to our little sweetie. She had a great time with Grandma and Grampa but I think she was glad to see us as well. We’ve had lots of hugs and kisses since – if we give her a kiss she’ll ask for “a hug” and vice versa. She continues adding to her vocabulary, including providing a running commentary to our lives. She tells us “Grandma cooking,” “Daddy yawn,” “I sit,” “Mama back,” and any other activity that might be going on. She also picks up any word even if we just say it once. Tonight I taught her tortilla, and I bet she’ll be asking for more tortillas tomorrow.

Another item on the short list

So I’ve added another item to my “things that stink about being a parent.” It’s a short list because, honestly, parenting is pretty great most of the time. More often then not (at least in my 19 months of it) it’s joy, fun, funny, or at least pretty good. But up until last week I’ve said that there two things that really make parenting a struggle 1) exhaustion and 2) constant and unending fear. Now I can add item #3 – shared illness.
We’re in our third cycle of family colds here at Casa Mac and we’re only half way through winter. Runny noses, sore throats, whining, crying, up every few hours with sneezing and coughing fits, general irritability x 3. It generally starts with Clare, moves to me and then finishes with J. Now Clare has finished with her cold cycle (and this last time was a rough one for her… and for us), I’m just about done and J is in the throes. Hopefully we’ll have a few weeks off before the next cycle starts.

Sickness aside, Clare is ridiculously fun and verbal these days. Yesterday she told our friend Carrie (Auntie Caw-wee in Clare-speak) that “Mama at work.” Tonight she said (with coaching) “I love Mama” and then immediately said (without coaching) “I love Gee.” She sings all the time – my favorite is her version of “Down by the Bay.” It goes a little something like “Down by Bay! alamala Moose! Mama Say! Down by Bay!” I’ll try to get it on video one of these days because it’s definitely something that I want to save.

Some of Clare’s new words (or word combinations) include her using the word I as in “I sleep,” “I read” or “I drink.” She’s starting to refer to combinations of things with “and” like “O’s and milk” or “Mama and Daddy.” She’s also starting to recognize social roles – as in she’ll point out the mother in a book. Tonight we were reading a book (Down by the Bay by coincidence) and she pointed to the cartoon “mama” in the book and then patted my arm and said “Mama.” She knew the difference between the book Mom and her Mom. Very cool stuff.

A couple of cute stories:

  • During the Super Bowl clare kept pointing at the screen and cheering “Go Ducks!” She learned that cheer back in January when U of O played in the BCS Bowl.
  • She would not go to Ami’s today without her bead necklace. I tried to get her to leave it behind but she wouldn’t hear of it. It’s the first time she’s had such a strong opinion about what she’s wearing. I see a whole new phase of our life starting…


In honor of Clare’s bookwormy-ness, and to try to preserve some memories in my online baby book, here are some of the books we read over and over and over again (and again and again).

This is a favorite book of mine, and Clare likes it too. She’s started calling it ‘A day.’

Grandma T brought this book on her last visit, in honor of one of Clare’s favorite songs. Clare calls this book “ishy bish” and always says “oh no!” whenever the spider is in peril.

This is a recent favorite that is known as “Zeeb-a book” (Zebra book) It’s a pretty simple, repetitive book and Clare can just about recite it. She also loves to turn each page and say “night night pig” “night night zeeb-a” “night night (hedge) hog” to each of the animals.
I love Eric Carle – and Clare does too. We just got this book and it’s a new favorite. Her favorite part is there is a little squeaker noise maker at the end of the book.
Another Eric Carle! This book has been a favorite for a while. I think that Mom actually hid this book in Hawaii because she was so tired of reading it.
We don’t actually own this book (yet) but it’s Clare favorite book at nannyshare. Adam reports that she requests it every time they sit down to read. I think he’s getting a little tired of it.

Lastly, this is my favorite book. It’s a take-off on the Hush Little Baby nursery rhyme but instead of buying things, Momma shows the baby shooting stars, humming birds, teddy bears and warm blankets. It’s become my favorite lulla-bye to sing before bed.

Mish mash post about 18.5 months

This picture is of Clare and her baby watching Elmo. I rue the day that I introduced Clare to Mr. Elmo, since now I hear about him daily. She demands, demands, “Eh-Mo!” at least once each day. We try to save it for weekends, since it’s a nice way to spend the morning relaxing on the couch with our respective cups of coffee and milk. When Elmo really comes in handy is on long car trips to Bend or long plane rides. The Elmo video is only 40 minutes, but it’s a welcome respite sometimes. Parenting in the digital age also means that I can pull up Elmo songs on YouTube, which can be a nice 2 minute fix for a cranky/tired/overworked toddler. I think it’s kind of like the swing when Clare was a baby – I try not to overuse it.
We had Clare’s 18-month check up last week. Kiddo weighed in at 23 lbs. and 33.2 inches tall. For comparison, at her 12 month appointment Clare was 30.1 inches tall. She grew 3 inches in six months. Holy moly! No wonder she’s been eating and sleeping so well. The girl is growing! That would also explain why her 18 month clothes only fit for about a week and a half. As has been her pattern, Clare is in the 40% for weight and the 85% for height. She’s a long lean little bean.

Lil’ Miss Feisty is getting more and more verbal every day. Her understanding of language is really incredible. If we ask her a question, something fairly basic and concrete, she generally understands it and responds or acts accordingly. It’s nice that we can give her some verbal direction or ask her to clarify something, but frustrating because when she doesn’t respond then we know that she is ignoring us on purpose. Adam told me a story that the other day they were singing she kept telling him “Bay… bay” and he said “I don’t know what you’re telling me. Can you show me?” Darned if she didn’t remember where her “Down by the Bay” songbook was and bring it to Adam.

I would say that Clare is adding a new word a day, but it’s probably more than that. She now points out the “bus… vroom vroom,” said that something was “loud” the other day, points out the “planes” that fly overhead (which is often since we are below the path of life flight helicopters), tells Sadie to “Sit! Stay!” and many others. She also combines words into short statements like “Where go?” “Where Sadie (or Daddy, or G, or Monkey) at?” “Read book” and “Daddy (or Mama, or G) sleeping.” Interestingly, J was gone for a business trip for a few days and the whole time Clare kept saying “Daddy sleeping.” Today in the car I got frustrated with another driver and said “Geez dude! Go go go go go!! You’re pissing me off!” From the back seat I hear a little voice saying “Go go go go go!” She kept it up for several blocks, but I was glad that she had chosen that part of the statement to hold onto. It’s a good reminder that I need to watch my language…

A cute story from today: Our girl loves shoes. Loves ’em! She can put her rain boots on all by herself and regularly does that and stomps around. Today she had them on, with the requisite stomping, and then found a new pair that she hadn’t seen in a while. She took off her boots and brought me the brown shoes to put on. Because, you know, she needed a shoe change mid-day. She then stomped around in the brown shoes until bedtime.
Posts might be a little fewer and farther between these days (sorry Teresa) because we are in the process in buying a new house and moving the Family Mac to a new abode. I’m not exactly sure where we’re going to find the time to pack and move our whole household in our usual crazy schedule, I guess we’ll find the hours somewhere. The good news is that the new house is really lovely, in a wonderful neighborhood, and over twice the size of our existing shoe box. There is even a whole downstairs suite for guests so start reserving your space at the B&B now.

Child’s Play

After the “sassy pants” episode of last week, this week has been really fun in the Mac House. Clare is back to being her usual delightful self and amazes us with her development and view on the world. Truly, she’s just a lot of fun. She’s starting to play little games, participate in activities that require a (brief) attention span, and communicate more every day.

See – even J’s excited!

Clare’ s started to show an interest in stacking blocks – not just knocking down the blocks that I stack. She worked on these blocks for about 20 minutes, very seriously the whole time. It’s fun to watch her understand spatial relationships and also develop the fine motor skills to explore them.

She’s still our little bookworm, and I found her reading a book the other day while sitting on her “bike.” It didn’t look very comfortable to me…

More coloring! At least once every day Clare asks to “cah-worr.” Mostly she likes to play with the different crayons rather than creating a picture. She’s pretty good at identifying the colors yellow and black. She selects a crayon, draws a line with it, asks what color it is (or declares that it’s a color), and then puts the crayon back and gets another one.

We’re also seeing more and more imagination role playing. The picture above is of Clare putting her beloved monkey to sleep. She covered him with her blanky, patted him and whispered “night night.” I almost spontaneously combusted from the cuteness. She cuddles her “babies,” pushes them in the shopping cart, puts them in the high chair, and this morning I saw her trying to put a diaper on her elephant. She also had me give her monkey a horsie ride the other day.

Clare is now wearing her sassy pants

Oh this little girl! It’s a good thing she’s so cute. There are lots of kisses, hugs and snuggles in our house these days. Yesterday Clare had me give her baby doll a kiss good-bye as I was leaving. One kiss for Clare (OK, maybe two) and a kiss for baby. Monkey, bear, her dolls and other beloved animals are hugged and cuddled. Her new Wocket is read to, dolls are spoon fed and Baby Elephant is never far from Mama Elephant. The stuffed animals in our house are very well loved and cared for. Her mother and father, on the other hand, can’t always say we receive such caring treatment. Clare has been, ummm, testing these days. As in she is testing whether or not she can gets what she wants by whining instead of using her words. I’ve shaken my head many times in the last week going “Really? You’ve been saying ‘pwees’ and ‘more’ and ‘all done’ for months but now you’d rather throw yourself on the ground and wail rather than do it? Really?” This same internal conversation has included topics like eating dinner, putting on her shoes, wanting to be held while we’re cooking, and any other issue that we might say “no” to. Deep breath Mama – this too shall pass.
Then there’s this. This girl is climbing, or trying to climb, all the time. Nothing is safe from toddler fingers. J even caught her with a pair of scissors the other day. Seriously, the stuff that nightmares are made of.

But, as always, with the salt comes plenty of sugar. Clare has started singing quite a bit these days. We can ask her to sing us a song and we usually get a “la la la” mixed with other song-like syllables. I was singing the ABCs to her today and she chimed in at “TUV” and kept up the rest of the song! She even did the whole “sing with me.” I was impressed. She also does the hand motions for Itsy Bitsy Spider. Now that we can understand some of what she’s saying I’ve started to notice some conversation trends. We talk about Grandma and Grandpa, Mama and Daddy a lot, but more often we talk about Sadie and Buddy (the dogs), or kitties or airplanes. She also imitated our “I love you” today. OK, it sounded like “iluwee” but J and I needed it after the evening we had.

“Wow! Look at the Moon-y”

As Clare is becoming more and more toddler, she’s getting really funny and verbal. there are a bunch of stories that I’ve been meaning to write down so that I don’t forget them. I figured I’d combine some of Adam’s pictures from December with a stories post.

Clare is on a pretty regular routine where she goes down for a nap at noon every day. A few weekends ago we were running errands and weren’t quite home in time for nap. At 12:03 on the dot Clare yells from the back seat “Blanky! Binky! Milk!” It was as if she looked at her watch and knew it was nap time.

Clare has started adding an “y” to a lot of her words. She has quite a vocabulary these days and when she gets comfortable with a word she starts to customize it. Examples include “moon-y,” “boot-y,” “nap-y,” and just about anything else that takes her fancy. It’s pretty funny but it adds another layer of deciphering to figure out exactly what she’s saying. She is starting to string words together and has said “Wow, look at the moon,” “open the door,” and “up the stairs” lately. Some of her favorite words lately are “No! Stop!” She particularly likes to yell this to the dogs, but she’s been known to say it to J and I, her toys when they aren’t doing what she wants, or anything else.
Speaking of stairs, Clare can now walk down them without holding onto anything. This scares the bejesus out of J and I so we watch her pretty closely and remind her to slide down on her tummy. She’s also really getting into climbing, and over the weekend figured out how to climb into her high chair. Yikes…
Ever since Clare saw a real elephant and the lighted elephants at Zoolights she’s been a little bit obsessed with elephants. We bought her a stuffed elephant with a baby and she carries them around everywhere. She also makes the elephant noise (which is kind of like a raspberry) and lifts her arm up over her head. She’s also a little bit obsessed with zebras, so I think a stuffed zebra may be next. I’m also looking forward to a dry weekend soon so hopefully we can go to the zoo again and see the real elephants and zebras.