Here is a selection of Adam’s pictures from May. There was lots of outside time this month and Clare mastered climbing ladders and sliding. (Don’t tell, but over the weekend we bought her a little toddler climber with a slide for her birthday!)
Clare is just about 3 weeks away from her second birthday, which I can’t believe in concept but when I look at her and see how agile, verbal and feisty she is, she seems like she’s two already. I remind myself though that she is still just one, and still really a baby who needs extra attention, patience and snuggling sometimes. Still, a few things to remember about Clare on the cusp:
She can identify and label “boys” and “girls” really well. We haven’t really taught this to her (not specifically) but she picked it up and has started pointing out groups of “boys” and “girls” she sees playing. She also tells me which of the children on her curtains are boys and which are girls. This morning I asked her if she was a boy or a girl. She responded “a girl?” She then told me that G was a boy. It’s a good reminder that she’s always learning and observing, regardless of what we’re intentionally teaching her.
On that point, Clare has entered the “mimic” stage. It’s so funny to see a little two-foot person repeating back what we say. When she puts her babies or stuffed animals to bed, she always pats them and says “ni’night, sleep tight, bed bug bite (don’t let the bed bugs bite).” This is how I put her to bed at night. She also brought Adam a ‘plate of food’ the other day and told him “careful! Hot!” She’ll pull words out of adult conversations and repeat them (fortunately no bad words so far). She’ll also imitate how J and I are doing things, like pull herself up on the couch and sit at the edge so her legs hang off the edge like mine do, or brush her hands off like J does, etc.
Clare’s quite the little singer these days. Her repertoire has expanded to include songs she makes up, though these made up songs often include portions of Old McDonald and other familiar songs. While we were in Colorado I overheard her singing and recognized it as the Hookie Pookie. This lead to a family rendition of the Hookie Pookie, which will always be remembered because it caused fussy Maddy to immediately fall asleep in my arms. Deb reports that she has used that trick a few times in the last week and so far the Hookie Pookie puts Maddy to sleep every time.
Over the weekend Terri and Randall, Pat and Dave were all visiting (hooray!) and Clare was quite enjoying being the attention of so many adults. Dave taught Clare to say Yabbadabbadoo, and Terri brought her a little golf set (that she loves).
Over the weekend Clare was showing off how well she turns her little Wheely Bug in tight circles. Grandpa asked her what she was doing and she said “cir-cohs” very quietly. He asked “what?” and she looked up at her and said “cir-cohs” very slowly while drawing imaginary circles in the air. My brilliant mechanical engineer father figured it out and we were all impressed that Clare associated circles in the air with turning circles on her bee.
Below is a picture of beloved Monkey, who stayed in Bend for the last few weeks on an extended vacation. Clare didn’t ask about him to much but when Randall brought him back for her she clapped her hands together and said “thank you!” It was gratifying for me to see her say that, since I probably prompt her 10 or 20 times a day to say “please” and “thank you.” I’ve realized that a lot of parenting is basic repetition. I have a blog post in my head about the phrases that I say over and over again, but you’ll have to wait for that one.
No last note, just a cute picture that Adam took of Sadie. Poor, forlorn, no-more-attention Sadie… he captioned this picture “have the kids gone to sleep yet?” She does really well with the kids, but sometimes the noise and activity level stress her out a little bit. She’s a good girl, even though she’s been seriously demoted in the family’s rankings since Clare arrived.
Clare will concede the blog top picture to this one of Maddy smiling at J. I mean, really, was there another choice? This may be the cutest picture of 2011.
We’re fresh from a visit to meet Miss Madeline Dion and see her parents, JP and Debbie. We had a blast, despite a Clare having my cold from last week (stupid cold!). We didn’t do so much but there was lots of kid playing, visits to the playground, meal prepping and eating, catching up and the obligatory baby gazing.
Clare did pretty well with Baby Maddy, spontaneously sharing her toys with the baby (I found all manner of “toys” around Maddy – including a coaster in her car seat one day), talking to her, holding her hand, touching her gently, etc. She was not so good at sharing her parent’s attention, specifically when I held the baby. We’ll have to work on her sitting next to me rather then in my lap, holding my hand rather than being held, etc. before our new baby comes and is taking space in my lap and arms.
We did get out for a little family hike in the beautiful foothills. JP and Deb went mountain biking (a mere 8 weeks after Maddy was born – Deb is a warrior!) and J and I hauled babies. Literally, Clare rode in J’s shoulders or in his arms (she wasn’t feel well), Maddy was in the pack on my chest and then there’s the one in utero so I told J we had become “baby sherpas.” We didn’t go very far but it was sooo pretty that checking out the flowers, watching butterflies, talking about cows and horses, etc. was a nice outing.
The homecoming has been a little rough. Tonight Clare threw her worst tantrum ever and we ended the day with a long cuddling/rocking session. I think I ultimately determined that she was confused/sad about J and I being gone all day after we all spent several days together on vacation. She had fun with her boys today, but when I talked to her about Momma and Daddy always loving her and coming home from work she hugged me extra hard. It’s rough to be a small girl in a big world, and we spent lots of time reassuring her tonight.
I’ve really noticed in the past few weeks that Clare is putting together family relationships and figuring out that Mom, Dad and Clare are a unit. A few weeks ago in Bend I told her that Grayson had gone home and it was just Mom and Dad in the house. She looked at me with alarm and said “Momma, Dada and Clare!” Tonight I told her that the family was “Mom, Daddy and Clare and we all love each other.” She said “yep, and Sadie too.” Oh yeah, Sadie too 🙂
Lastly, a cute Clare story. I think her favorite part of the airplane ride wasn’t the airplane itself but the rental car bus. On the way to get the rental car she wasn’t sure about the bus and kept telling me “No! Get off!” So we sang the Wheels on the Bus and reassured her that it was OK. On the ride back to the airport from the rental car return, well, it was a different story. Clare LOVED the bus and kept talking about “Bus! Ride on bus! Mama, Dada and Clare on bus!” I asked her if she wanted some of her water and she said “yes! Water! Water on bus!” Apparently everything is better on a bus.
Just a little catch up about our Memorial Day weekend trip to Bend with our friends Steve, Leah and their little guy Grayson. We were long overdue for a nice three-day weekend (really overdue) so some R&R, good food and kid chasing was just what the doctor ordered.
We’re in full fledged toddler-dom around here – complete with cute antics, total silliness, words, songs, and punctuated by the occasional tantrum (oh the tantrums!). Most of the time, tantrums aside, it’s pretty fun. Here are some highlights of our just-on-the-cusp-but-not-quite-two-year-old (do you hear that Clare, you are not yet two!!).
Phrases often heard at our house:
“Mama! Where you go Mama?!” (or Zoe, Elmo, Monkey, Adam, G, Dada, Sadie, or whoever else she’s looking for)
“No!” Said with complete conviction, often accented by a stamped foot or thrown object.
“Yeah OK” or “Yep.” Never yes, only yeah or yep.
“By self.” That’s when she doesn’t want help and wants to do whatever it is by herself.
“Hug? Snuggle? Rock a minute?” With her increased independence, Clare is asking for more hugs, cuddles and reassurance. I love it and she always gets loves when she asks for them (except if she’s using it as a sleep diversionary tactic).
Oh the toddler silliness! Clare is endlessly singing (see video evidence below), dancing, strutting, and just generally wiggling in new ways. Today she walked out of the kitchen doing some type of imitation of a chicken strut – I have no idea where that came from, I think it’s just an experiment in physical movement. It’s pretty funny to watch.
Most fun of all is to see her imagination develop and watch her begin make believe play. Her babies and animals regularly get rides on her Wheely Bee toy, they always get meals (often times sharing some of her milk or food), are put down for naps, and last night she insisted that I include Monkey in our bedtime story because it was “Monkey night-night too.” She’s also started having conversations with them and I’ll overhear her saying “Look Baby, airplane” or asking “read book Kitty?”
Lastly, here’s a video I took last night during dinner. Clare has a bit of a pesto face, but she was agreeable to singing on camera so I kept rolling. I particularly like the part of the tape at the end where I’m trying to get her to eat more green beans (unsuccessfully).
We’re really settling into and enjoying the new house these days. The weather has finally turned spring-like (hopefully it lasts!) so the yard is blooming and every time I look outside I see a new plant popping up. It’s a little bit like Christmas because I never know what unsuspecting patch of dirt is going to turn into a present of a plant or flower.
My girls – enjoying a sunny afternoon on the deck. Notice that Clare has brought a couple of books outside to read.
Besides the yard, which really is lovely, Grandma T recently visited and brought the finishing touches to Clare’s room! We’ve found a theme and ran with it (and I mean RAN with it). I saw this rug online and decided that Clare’s room would be in the theme of Eric Carle’s Brown Bear, What Do You See? It’s a combination of Clare’s two favorite things, books and animals. She likes to point out the animals on the rug.
Grandma T joined in on the fun and made curtains and a bedding set in Eric Carle fabric. The curtains are in the “children” pattern and the bedspread has the animals on it. The room is very, very bright and wild but I love it. Of course right after these pictures were taken I rearranged the room to put the rocking chair in there (all the better to “rock a minute”), but you get the idea of how fun it is.
We have a wild few weeks at the Mac House – our usual April work travels will keep either J or I away from home for the next several days, and then we have a Memorial Day trip. I’ll try to squeeze in another blog post though about some fun stories from the Land of Toddler-dom.
Since this blog is written for our mothers and grandmothers, I’ll start off by wishing Mom, Grandma, Auntie Deb, Aunt Pat and Grandma T a great big Happy Mother’s Day! We spent the day being fairly quiet in our family – neither the Mothers nor Clare felt very good today so there was lots of relaxing.
Here are some pictures that Adam took in March and April. As mentioned, I don’t feel great tonight so I’ll just caption the pictures and hit publish. His pictures are nice enough to stand on their own.
Adam was making pancakes one morning and Clare pulled her dishes out to imitate his cooking.
Goth Clare! Just kidding – she got a little wild one day during painting. Apparently there’s been lots of paint eaten this month.
A few weeks ago they took a “field trip” to a local fire station. The fire fighters were very nice and let the kids into the fire truck. G loved it, Clare, as you can see, was a little more reticent about the whole thing – especially when the strange fireman picked her up. She did make siren noises for the rest of the week, so the visit made an impression.
Adam captured this picture “yogurt silliness.”
She’s started to hold her crayons with a ‘penmanship’ grip. She also ‘writes’ sometimes instead of coloring. I think it’s a sign she’s a future writer.
Clarie and the Kitty. I imagine her saying “Meow meow meow.”
Painting time with G. This was the day that Clare came home with blue hair.
C + G = BFFs
Adam captioned this picture “Two rays of sunshine.” I love how it captures her running down the hill – mid-flight.
Not sure what the story is here – but Clare is playing in a pot of dried beans wearing her ladybug costume.
Getting very good at climbing on the jungle gym.
Clare the Ladybug at the Library.
Apparently she was crying because she didn’t want to leave the park.
My brother and his wife just had a beautiful (and I mean BEAUTIFUL) baby girl two weeks ago named Madeline Elizabeth. We haven’t gotten down there to see her yet but I can’t wait to get my hands on that sweet, squishy little bundle. It makes my heart go pitter-pat just thinking about that tiny, perfect person with all that potential in the world.
Isn’t she pretty? Apparently she’s also very sweet (at least according to Grandma).
In other news, we had a beautiful weekend here in Portland. Today especially was really lovely, sunny and warm. We celebrated in high family style – going to a Messy Toddler Art Class, hanging out at the farmers market, playing in the sun (Mom got a sunburn), gardening, and finishing with a delicious fresh market dinner. Mmmmmm… nothing better than summer in Oregon.
While Grandma and Grampa have been visiting Baby Maddy, JP and Deb this weekend, we’ve been keeping Buddy here with us. Clare just loves Buddy and he’s especially patient with her.
The other exciting thing about this weekend was it’s the first weekend in a while that I’ve felt good. Hooray for coming to the end of the first trimester! While it’s been easier than with Clare those early pregnancy symptoms haven’t made life all that fun around here. Fortunately J and Clare have been very patient with me and now I’m hopeful that it’s smooth sailing ahead.
It’s interesting the differences between this pregnancy and my last one with Clare. I’m much more relaxed about this one, which is nice. I don’t really spend a lot of time imagining this baby or trying to think of what life will be like with them – that is besides having moments of panic wondering how I will possibly do this with two! I did a lot of time trying to picture the future when I was pregnant with Clare. I pictures pushing a stroller, rocking her in my arms, waking up in the middle of the night, etc. I’m certainly excited about the pregnancy (very excited!!) but I’m just letting it be for now. Part of it is time – I’m certainly busy enough without trying to pull in business in the future. Besides that, I know that whatever I imagine will be a 2-dimensional drawing of the rich and wonderful reality that is to come. The moments I tried to imagine with Clare are like a black and white movie compared to the real life texture of life with her. The beauty, magic, intensity, stress, and bliss of this baby will be much deeper and more special than whatever I can conjure up. I’m just savoring the anticipation, but without turning my imagination on to much. We’re embarking on a new adventure around here, and I’m looking forward to what it may bring.
This last week I suddenly realized that I had Friday off work because of Good Friday. Being a fairly unusual holiday, J was working and I completely forgot about it. So I decided to turn it into “Clare-Mom Day” and spent the whole day playing with my favorite toddler. It was from being Good Friday to Best Friday – we had a ball.
In the morning we went to Tiny Tots Storytime at a local library, where we read books, sang songs and played with other “tots.” After lunch and nap, we took advantage of the sunny weather and went for a looooong hike at Tryon Creek. The hike went a little far for some short legs, but we had a good time nonetheless. It was fun to watch Clare run around in the woods and do typical kid stuff – throwing rocks, picking up sticks, climbing on boulders, walking on logs, etc. It was hard to get a picture of her looking at the camera, since she spent most of her time running and looking everywhere but at me. When I asked her to “look at the camera and give me a pretty smile” she would throw a half-hearted, eye-rolling kind of smile to appease me for about half a second and then run after a robin or something. I’ll spare you all of the pictures I have of her whipping her head away. We topped it off with ice cream sundaes and a visit with Grandma and Grampa. All around, a lovely day.
Don’t say I didn’t warn you, but this post is the braggiest, most in your face my-kid-is-the-smartest-in-the-whole-world post that I may have ever written. I just can’t help myself, but I do realize that it might come across as a bit pretentious, obnoxious and even arrogant to people so just FYI that I’m going to the farthest reaches of my Mom-bragging.
OK, that over I’ll just come out and say it. My kid is the smartest 21-month-old EVER! Seriously, the toddler is brilliant. Now J and I have been called fairly bright before, but I think that our daughter is probably way more intelligent than both of us combined. A few examples:
Clare can now identify a bunch of letters. She’s really interested in words and letters and can point out A, G, C, R, W and a bunch of others. Adam makes a point to say “A for Adam, C for Clare, D for Dog, etc.” and Clare will regularly point out an A on a sign and say “A for Adam!.” Seriously, not even 2 and she really wants to learn her letters.
She also is beginning to know her numbers. She knows the quantity and number 2. She’s started telling us when there are two of something – “two blankies,” “two earrings,” etc. We’re working on identifying other quantities (one, three…) but I’m pretty impressed that she’s so accurate with declaring two things.
She can count to 10. OK, she doesn’t understand the concept of counting quantities besides 2 yet but she knows the phonetics of the words 1 – 10. Tonight I asked her how many ears she had, and asked her to count them. Her answer was “one, two, free, fo, fide, six, seben, eight, ni, ten!” I know that if she had somehow seen both ears next to each other (like on a stuffed animal for example) she might have said “two!” but asking her to count means that she’ll run off a stream of words. Still, it’s pretty brilliant. Not to mention cute.
I think I’ve mentioned before that Clare can almost recite some of her books. Tonight she pulled out “Are You my Mother?” to read. Based on where she got it from, I don’t think it’s been read to her recently. Still, when I would turn to a page she would recite a line from that page (“down down down” or “I am a cow”). From a week or so ago when we last read the book she remembered certain lines on certain pages. This book has 40 some pages (very simple, but still a lot of pages). Her memory is incredible!
She’s talking in full paragraphs. Now, I don’t usually understand most of her soliloquies but she will tell me long, involved explanations and stories about things. I’m pretty sure her vocabulary is considerably larger than her diction and enunciation, so we don’t catch half of what she’s saying but that will come in time. It does lead to some frustration on her part though, and I think it encourages whining. We know what she’s conveying when she whines, though we work hard not to acknowledge it and say “use your words.”
When she does use her words she will say up to 4 “English” words in a row sometimes in a sentence. Usually it’s for pretty simple stuff, “More juice please Grandma” for example (which lead Grandma to stop right in the middle of a parking lot and give Clare more juice on the spot). In the wee hours last night I went into her room because she was crying and she reached up to me and said “rock for minute Mama.” So if you drove by our house at 3 am (and could somehow see in the dark) you would’ve found Clare and I in the rocking chair.
She’s becoming more and more empathetic and tuned into emotions. When her buddy G is sad and crying she always rubs his back and says “it’s OK.” If she hears a baby or kid crying she gets worried and says “baby sad.” She’s also very worried when she sees a sad person in one of her books. We’re working to develop new emotional words for her, happy, angry, etc. So far she also recognizes happy. She hasn’t used the words to describe her own emotions yet, but I expect soon we’ll hear “Clare sad.”
Hooray! Papa McPherson came and visited us from Tennesse! He’s our first houseguest in the new house (hooray!) and we all had a great time on his visit. Clare warmed up to him right away and by the time I got home on Friday night they were sharing secrets on the couch together. I think he reminds her of Daddy. Clare requests that next time Papa comes to visit (and we hope it’s soon!) he brings “Oma” with him. We all missed Darlene.
While Wayne was visiting, we all went to the coast on the least rainy day of the weekend. Of course getting out the door took a while, but we got to Cannon Beach in time for some beach combing and then went to Astoria for dinner. It was windy and a little chilly on the beach, but we had a nice time anyway. Clare likes the beach, especially the waves, but she’s not a huge fan of sand. In fact the picture below is one I took after she fell down and couldn’t get up because she didn’t want to put her hands in the sand. I’m not sure that sand castles will be her thing.
A few fun bullet points about 21 month old Clare:
One of her favorite words is “another.” For a while we thought she was saying Yellow because it sounds like “a-lellow” but finally we figured out it was “another.” She uses it all the time to refer to something else or in addition to. She’ll use it for “a-lellow book” or “a-lellow cookie” but also if we give her something that isn’t quite right (like the wrong binky!) she’ll give the not-quite-right object back to us and request “a-lellow one” and keep requesting it until she gets the one she wants.
She also says “come on!” and “go!” as orders. We were coming in the house over the weekend and she leaned over my shoulder and yelled “come on Papa!” She will also tell me “Go Mama!” (as in go away) when she doesn’t like what I’m doing. We’re working on that.
Baby Girl had a nasty cold and her first ear infection last week. It was rough to see our little girl so sick and sad for several days (not to mention scary when she spiked her first 103+ fever!). However the illness has passed and she’s back to her singing, dancing, silly self.
She is climbing on EVERYTHING. Her favorite activity these days is to climb on the kitchen chairs. Last week I caught her sliding down off of the table. Fortunately that only happened once (she knows better) but she loves to climb on the kitchen chairs, sit with her feet out in front of her and put a sippy on the table like a grown up. Baby girl really wants to be a “big girl” these days.