25 Months

Clare is now a sassy, verbal toddler. We never know what phrase is going to come out of her mouth, or what she is going to be playing with, acting out, pretending, etc. It’s so fun to watch but it’s keeping us on our toes.

Unfortunately we’re without a camera, so I’ve borrowed pictures from Clare’s new preschool and Grandma T’s last visit. The school is the two mornings a week when she’s not with Adam. The idea is that it will give her more experience in a group/classroom setting. It’s a pretty low-key environment with less than ten kids and two teachers but it’s the beginning of a more structured setting. So far she seems to like it, especially the outdoor play where they encourage lots of messy exploration. She’s occasionally quiet when we drop her off, but always happy and boisterous when we pick her up.

We’re seeing lots of imagination play these days. It’s gone beyond just imitating what she sees adults do, she’s taking it to the next level of imagination. Crackers in her hand will become a camera and she’ll tell us “smile for the camera!” She’ll put a couple of blocks together, a little stuffed animal on top of it and proclaim it “looks like a robot!” Then she’ll make little beeps and robot noises. As you can see above, she set up her baby doll to read a book to Elmo.
One of her favorites activities lately (besides caring for her dolls and stuffed animals) is playing with Legos. We’ve tried them in the past but Clare’s fine motor skills and spatial abilities weren’t quite up to fun play. Now she can put the blocks together and is beginning to use her imagination with the structures. So far we’ve made cars, houses, and “a flag!”

We’ve been having some fun conversations these days. A few weeks ago I asked Clare if she wanted to go to the playground. She told me “that a good idea Mama. Maybe we go for a hike. A hike to a lake!” I was shocked by her suggestion. Tonight I hid the bath toys she kept throwing out of the bath tub (after the third throw) and when she asked where they were I told her they were hiding. Clare looked at me indignantly and said “I go find them Mama!” She’s also started to identify some of her emotions. Today she threw a fit when we were leaving the Children’s Museum. In the car ride home, after she calmed down, had a drink and a snack, she told me “I cried Mama. I mad.” I told her that I knew she was mad. She sighed and said “It OK. I happy now.”
Other activities these days include beginning potty training. Yes, we’re getting on the potty train and it’s been slow going. It started off well and Clare was very into it, but now we’ve hit some delays. Plan B is that we’re starting some diaper-free time, mostly outside, hoping that it helps move things along. I would really LOVE to have Clare out of diapers by the time the new baby arrives but Adam has cautioned me not to set unrealistic expectations. We’re on Clare’s schedule with this.

At Clare’s two-year pediatrician appointment a few weeks ago she was pronounced very physically and verbally active and very healthy. So healthy that she’s 35 inches tall (one inch shorter than three feet!) and in the 90% percentile for height. She weighs 28 pounds and is in the 70% for weight. She’s wearing a 3T in clothes and a size 8 in shoes. If the old wives’ tale is true that you can predict a person’s adult height by doubling their height at 2 years old then Clare will be approaching six feet as a grown woman. J is already investigating college basketball scholarships 🙂

If I’m lyin’ I’m dyin’

In honor of Aunt Donna the Great’s 50th birthday, Donna, Mike, Teresa and Danny all convened in Oregon for a visit. A great time was had by all – perhaps most by Clare who loves nothing more than to be surrounded by adoring fans family.

On their trip (split between Portland and Bend) we had lots of good food, good wine (well, not Clare or I but everyone else), a little bit of outdoor adventures, and lots of laughing and family time. I was half distracted/stressed by work stuff but everyone else relaxed and refreshed.

Some of Clare’s new tricks that she showed off while family was visiting included speaking practically in full paragraphs and picking up and using any phrase that catches her fancy or anyone tries to teach her. Grandpa Danny had her saying “superstar!” and “I don’t think so” while he was here. Mike tried to teach her to say “Roll Tide” but I’m sorry to report that hasn’t stuck around 🙂

I’ll work on a new blog post soon about some cute phrases that Clare has been saying – but since my camera isn’t working we’re a little short on pictures these days (translation: Grandma T – please send pictures).

Portrait of the Artist as a Toddler

It’s time for an update to our What Clare is Reading Now intermittent series. We’re still reading quite a bit these days, but sometimes she has less of an interest in extended reading sessions because she has other things to do. When we do read Clare often brings her blankie and requests “snuggle and read book.” At least once a day we’ll find her reading her books by herself like the picture above.

A new favorite book is The Giving Tree. I don’t read it to her as much since it makes me cry (darn pregnancy hormones) but J reports that they’ve been reading it a lot lately. It’s a good way to talk about the concept of growing up. As we read the book Clare asks where the boy is – and we talk about how now he’s a grown up man.

“Baby Brigade” has been a popular choice these days. JP and Deb bought Clare this book (I think) and it’s a very fun one to read. It has a nice rhyming beat to it and Adam reports that he even does it as a bit of a rap. Clare really likes it – her favorite part are the babies.

Lately Curious George has gotten a lot of play at our house – specifically the original story book. Clare LOVES Curious George and even has her own little stuffed George who she carries around. The stories and illustrations are simple enough for her to follow, especially now that she’s able to follow a bit of a plot.
Grandma T brought Clare this book a few months ago. I thought we would bring it out more as we got closer to November, but Clare is loving it right now. She likes to point out the Mommy and the Daddy in the book, but we also talk about the baby and the Big Sister. It’s given her some reference points when we talk about the new baby coming to our house.
This is another Grandma T book, and it’s quickly become a family favorite. Again, it has a nice rhyming rhythm to it that makes it fun for us to read. It also has a cute little story about a baby Llama throwing a tantrum waiting for his Mama Llama. It’s a good lesson about patience for frustrated little toddlers 🙂

While not a book, I also want to remember some of Clare’s favorite songs these days. She has quite a memory for music and songs and really shows preference for specific ones. Her favorite non-nursery rhyme song (that is, a song that we don’t sing with her) is Here Comes the Sun by the Beatles. She LOVES this song and will stop whatever she’s doing to dance and sing to it. She also really likes The Lion Sleeps Tonight (“the lion song”) and the Black Keyes Howlin’. Howlin’ has a little verse that goes “da da da da” and Clare likes to sing along with that part. She’s also pretty specific with music she doesn’t like – shaking her head telling me “don’t like it” sometimes to songs on the radio. A little critic already.

Oh yeah – I’m pregnant!

In the usual hustle and bustle of the Mac House, I often sort of forget that I’m pregnant. I mean, I can’t entirely forget (something about that big tummy reminds me), but it often gets moved to the back burner behind a busy toddler, demanding job, husband (no comment as to whether he’s busy or demanding :-), and various life stuff. It’s in contrast to my pregnancy with Clare where I obsessed over being pregnant, what I was eating, drinking, feeling, etc. this time around I just sort of go about my business and take a prenatal vitamin at the end of the day.
I’m at 24 weeks now, and I’m in the “sweet spot” of pregnancy between the fatigue and nausea of the first trimester and the aches and discomfort of the third trimester. In general I feel pretty good, have good energy (so long as I don’t skip a meal), and don’t have to much discomfort. The baby continues to be very active – strong kicks, stretches, and movement. I love that he’s developing hearing my voice reading and talking to Clare, J’s voice and also Clare’s voice. It often feels like he’s part of the action already, albeit mostly to me though. Last week when we were throwing rocks in the lake he was active and kicking – it felt like he wanted to come out and play too. He’ll often wiggle around when Clare’s in my lap, and I like to think he’s trying to cuddle with his sister.
20 weeks!

24 weeks! OK, so it doesn’t look like much of a difference but I swear I feel bigger.

Last night at dinner Clare told me that she also had a baby in her tummy. I asked her what her baby was doing there and she told me “growing.”

Family Escape

A few months ago I got a bee in my bonnet that we didn’t travel the way we used to before having Clare. On one hand, this is obvious since having a toddler makes traveling more difficult and last minute weekends to San Diego or quickly planned trips to NYC aren’t in the budget nor as easy as they used to be (think naps, car seats, car rentals, pack’n’plays…oy!). That’s not to say we don’t travel, Hawaii comes to mind, but it’s not the same as the way we used to travel. Besides, we hadn’t ever taken a trip just the three of us. Now we love our families (LOVE OUR FAMILIES) but it’s different when it’s just us. Besides, J and I were working a lot, always on the go or on our laptops, phones, or watching TV (often all 3 at the same time) and I decided we needed a break from technology/the outside world to just be together.
So, that’s the long story for how J, Clare and I packed up in the car last week and went to a cabin on Lake Quinault in the Olympic National Forest. It fit all of our criteria – a (relatively) short drive away, somewhere we hadn’t been before and could therefore explore, and was removed from technology and our jobs. I told everyone we didn’t have cell phone access (ultimately we did, but no one called us). And it was lovely. We may be doing that more often.

Lots of hiking – usually we were the only ones on the trail. Clare loved her backpack and was surprisingly happy to stay in there rather then get out and hike on her own. Fortunately J’s back held up well 🙂

Clare and J by the “Big Cedar Tree”

The family inside the “Big Cedar Tree”

More hiking amidst the cedars
Clare’s first canoe ride on Lake Quinault! At first she declared it “sca-wy” (scary) but then she decided it was fun. For about half an hour, and then she decided we should “get out.” Unfortunately for her we were in the middle of the lake…

Clare throwing rocks in the lake – this was before she fell in the lake. (The water was about six inches deep and J and I saw the fall coming and immediately pulled her out. We used it as a lesson about water safety.)

Then we went to the beach!

In the past Clare hasn’t especially loved the beach. This time was a different story. Once she saw the big kids taking off their shoes and running in the waves she had to do it too. Fortunately Daddy went with her and they had fun doing that age-old beach activity of running towards the waves until the water barely touches your toes and then shrieking, and immediately turning around and running back.

“A little house!”

Successful trip! Not so successful napping or sleeping but there’s time for that later, right?

Birthday Party Extravaganza!

Happy Birthday to Clare! We celebrated with a small family dinner on her actual birthday, and a bigger party extravaganza over the weekend. I had big plans for a wading pool and sprinklers, but the weather had other ideas so we had a BBQ and nice family party.
Clare went down for a late nap and when she woke up the party was in full swing. She was a little overwhelmed by the balloons, people, presents, etc. but soon relaxed and enjoyed the festivities.

Clare’s favorite treat – angel food cake with whipped cream and berries.

“Hey, Dada’s eating my cake!”

“Silly Dada!”

Sitting the wrong way on her new picnic table from Grandma and Grandpa. Hey, it’s her birthday, she can do it if she wants to.

This is when she first saw the climber – her gift from Mom and Dad.

Clare and her buddies Kadie and Violet on the climber (beautiful pictures by their talented father David). At one point we had 4 kiddos climbing, sliding and enjoying it. We joked that we reached maximum toddler capacity.

Deck view of some of the party.

Cute Stories

Now that Clare is so verbal, each day there is some cute or funny story to share. Here are a few to remember:

  • Last week she got a balloon from a store. Her eyes lit up, she gave the balloon a big hug and said “I love you balloon!”
  • She’s started to talk to the baby in my tummy. She tells me “baby is kicking you” (which is true). She also said to my belly one day “Hi Baby! You hear me? I Clare!”
  • She’s still working on her personal pronouns, with mixed success. She says “My do it” instead of “I do it” and when she wants us to do something for her, like pick her up, she’ll say “pick you up” instead of “pick me up.”
  • The picture below is the hose in the back yard. Clare calls it an “octopus.”

To Clare-Bear on her Second Birthday

Dear Clare,

Today you are two-years-old. You don’t fully understand what that means yet, but it means that for 730 days, or 24 months, or 2 years, you have been studying the world (often with a wrinkled brow), making assessments, and beginning to make your way into it. You are a very, very loved little girl. For your birthday dinner once again we had your Grandma T, Grandma and Grandpa Dion, and Great-Grandma all gathered around the table hanging on your every word and gesture. You love all of these people very much as well, and it’s wonderful to watch your relationships with them blossom.
One of my greatest enjoyments of the past year has been watching the joy you get out of life. You are thoughtful and sensitive to other people, and also very enthusiastic and embrace things fully (in your own time). Your favorite things are animals, books, being outside, climbing and challenging yourself physically, and giggling at your dad. You are my arts and letters girl, who loves music, dancing and singing. You can identify all of your letters and have a strong interest in reading. I secretly hope you will be a writer someday 🙂
In the past few months you’ve become more confident with approaching other children and engaging them in play. You are very empathetic and have a nice, gentle way of dealing with people. It concerns me that your sensitivity and gentleness will sometimes get you hurt by those who are not so kind, but I hope to always show you that a gentle, loving heart will always be respected and valued at home.
A loving heart aside, you have a strong-willed backbone that I hope will serve as your compass through life. You can be stubborn when you make up your mind about something. You and I will definitely clash as you grow up, but please remember that I love you very much regardless of how frustrated I may seem.
In the next few months your life is going to change quite a bit when your new baby brother is born. This may be hard for you at first, but I truly believe that having a partner-in-crime will be one of the best things we can give you. You’ll have to trust on that – especially when he’s taking your toys, messing up your stuff, or following you and your friends around.
Until then, enjoy being the Queen of your world. Know that your Daddy and I love you endlessly and that we wait to see what the next day will bring with you.

Happy Fourth of July!!

Happy Independence Day from Miss Independent herself, Clare McPherson (and her parents). We spent the long weekend in Bend with my parents, the wonderful Grandma and Grandpa. They are wonderful for many reasons, and not just because they have a beautiful house that we stay in while we’re in Bend. Here are a few pictures from the weekend and the festivities, mixed with some cute quotes from Clare.

We went to the Bend Fourth of July Pet Parade, which was a “anyone can enter” parade so there wasn’t much distinction between the parade entrants (dressed in red, white and blue, riding bikes and walking dogs) and the parade attendees (pretty much the same group). We watched for about 20 minutes, but when Clare started having more fun playing with hats then we moved onto the festivities at the nearby park. We spent the afternoon of the Fourth driving back home and right now Clare is sleeping through fireworks. I think Fourth of July will be a bigger deal in future years. Now it’s just a chance for the family to have a long weekend together, which is nice too.

My parents gave Clare this super cute little toddler-sized Adirondack chair and Ladybug table. She LOVED it and did a lot of “swan watching” from the patio.

Speaking of the swans, Clare LOVES them too. She doesn’t especially like it when they honk (she tells them “no beep!”) but she loves to look for them and talk about them. She told me that the swans “have glasses.” It took me a while to figure out what she was talking about the black marks over their beaks – she thought they were sunglasses.

We spend lots of time climbing on rocks in Bend. It’s Clare’s favorite activity when we’re there, so it means that we spend a lot of time “spotting” her. There is a great playground on the river that has rocks set up for children to climb. The downside is that it’s set up for a little bit bigger kids, and once Little Miss saw the big kids climbing on the largest rocks then she had to follow. On the picture above you can see that J and Grandpa are actually 3 feet off the ground, so that gives you an idea that Clare climbed up about 9 feet more or less on her own (with some serious “spotting”).

Grandma and Grandpa bought Clare a inflatable pool, which she was thrilled by and played in for about two straight hours. At one point she was scooping water from one cup to another for several minutes and my mom asked her what she was doing. She said she was “picking up dog poop.” O-kay then…

Lastly – this is why we don’t have many family portraits. Trying to get 3 of us to look at the camera at the same time poses challenges. Still, this picture makes me giggle…

New Baby

Here he is! The “new baby,” or as I’ve been calling him with Clare “our baby.” Due, November 11 (11-11-11) but I’m guessing we won’t make it that long. Just a hunch, but just like I was pretty sure Clare would be late I’m pretty sure this little bugger will be early.

We had our 20-week ultrasound/anatomy check this last week. The little fella is healthy, a little bigger than expected, and VERY active. Did I mention active? Yeah – the poor ultrasound tech had to take several attempts to measure and record his hands and feet. He kept squirming. then the feet went up by the head, so she couldn’t get a good read on his face. None of this came as a surprise to me though since I’ve been feeling this kiddo move around for a few weeks now. He’s waaaay more active and seemingly stronger than Clare was. It should be interesting final few months…
We decided to find out the sex of the baby in the room. I said before the ultrasound that it didn’t really matter, and, honestly, it doesn’t. We knew Clare was a girl before she was born and it didn’t affect anything we bought (all gender neutral), the way we talked to or about her, our plans for her, etc. I plan on doing the same this time around. Part of the reason we kept Clare’s gear and clothing so neutral was that I hoped to use it again if we had a little guy. Even now, if I’m making a more expensive purchase for her (winter coat, boots, delightful but expensive Hanna Andersson sleepers, etc.) I lean more towards boy or neutral clothing so that it can be a hand-me-down for a possible brother. Good thing 🙂 I imagine we’ll do the same thing this time around too, that is keep our purchases fairly neutral. I kindly ask the same from our friends and relatives. Or rather, if you’re going to get the baby little footballs, trucks, tractors, or other stereotypical boy stuff then please get one for Clare too. Otherwise then let’s wait to see what this little guy is interested in.
I wasn’t all that surprised to find out that Our Baby is a boy. J has been claiming it’s a boy since the moment he found out about the pregnancy (that is, after his “Oh S*$%! Really?” reaction). This pregnancy has been totally different than my last one, and one of the most plausible answers for the difference was the difference in hormones running through my body. Our Baby causes me to crave hamburgers, but not sweets, get nauseous at night (still!), want to sleep all the time, and not gain that much weight. I’m also much less emotional than I was with my last pregnancy, but I’m a little bit more tense and preoccupied.
All in all, the pregnancy is going well and we’re very excited about the new addition. I can’t wait to get my hands on my new little baby! I’m looking forward to the rocking, snuggling, and general falling in love that a new baby brings. I’m also excited to see Clare as a big sister, though I’m trying to figure out how best to help her handle that transition. I’m looking forward to watching the kids grow up together, play and fight together, have secrets and adventures, and try to help them turn into friends and allies. Today we were playing around in the backyard with Clare and I was thinking how much more fun it will be in a few years when she has a live-in playmate. Besides the kids relationship together, I’m excited to meet this new member of the McPherson family and see his take on the world.