Sam at One Month
Sam was one month old yesterday!! Happy Birthday Samster!
Here are a couple of cute Clare stories from the last couple of days:
- For a few weeks now Clare has been requesting that we sing “the companion song.” I had no idea what she was talking about but when I told her I didn’t know the song she gave me her best two-year-old “Duh Mom” look. I asked Adam and at school if they knew this song, and none of them did. Finally one night before bed J was singing Sweet Baby James to her as part of their bedtime ritual. When he got to the line of “his horse and his cattle are his only companions” Clare got really excited and cried out “Companions!” at the top of her lungs. So we finally solved the mystery of the “Companion Song.” Now it’s been in heavy rotation in the McPherson family sing-a-longs.
- Yesterday I put up Clare’s play tent in her room and we got into it for a little make-believe play. I followed her lead entirely and we “got in the car” to “drive to Old MacDonald’s Farm.” While “driving” we talked about the chickens, goats and horses we were going to see. Once we “got there” Clare led us out of her room to the living room where we sat on the ottoman and “rode the horse!” This game, and all of the various pieces that went into it, were entirely Clare’s ideas and I just went along for the ride. It was so fun to watch her imagination lead us through the different tasks.
- The other day J was trying to motivate Clare to get out the door in a timely manner by singing “Fly like an Eagle – To the Sea” like Steve Miller. Now every time we are leaving the house Clare starts “flying” around “to the sea!!” It’s actually served to be a pretty good motivator to get her ready (which can sometimes be a battle).
Sam at 3 Weeks
Giving Thanks
J took this picture about a week ago. Every time I look at this picture I giggle because it looks EXACTLY LIKE JEREMY. Seriously, I swear this child is part mine even though it doesn’t look like any of my genetics made it into him. He is pretty cute though…
- Clare leaning over a sleeping Sam and then looking up and saying “Sam is beautiful.” Yes, yes he is – and so are you my Sweet Girl.
- Clare being our “big helper” and assisting me give Sam his first bath in the baby bathtub (no pictures – it was all I could do to wrangle both kids!). Sam loved the bath, so we’ll be doing that more frequently (with J taking pictures).
- Clare’s overall ease and enjoyment of being a big sister. She’s been amazingly patient with us when we need to take care of the baby instead of her, very giving with sharing our attention with the baby, ad generally the best big sister two-year-old we could ask for. She really loves the baby and has welcomed him into the family better than I could have imagined. It’s so heartwarming to watch and makes me really excited to watch their relationship as they get older.
Sam at Two Weeks
Big Sisters and Little Brothers
Meanwhile, Sam continues to be a heartstealer. We’re beginning to get to know him a little bit and he’s quite a bit mellower than we expected giving his first few minutes in the world. At this point, in classic newborn fashion pretty much all he does is sleep (lots of sleeping), eat (LOTS of eating – every two to three hours), and poop (lots of that too). He loves to be held and snuggled and when he does fuss a little cuddle usually puts him right.
- She loves to sit on the counter in the mornings, eating her peanut butter and jam sandwich and drinking milk, and chat with me while I’m making coffee and oatmeal for breakfast. It’s become a nice morning ritual for us and gives me some Mom-Clare time to start the day.
- Yesterday morning J made us all blueberry pancakes and Clare declared them “the best of the best!” She’s also started saying “Sa-weet” when she likes things, which I think she got from WordWorld.
- In the picture below, she is “Super Clare” complete with her super hero cape. She doesn’t know it, but she’s getting a real superhero cape and crown for Christmas.
And then there were FOUR!!
Samster – wearing the same little outfit that Clare came home in. On Clare it was HUGE, but it barely fit him in length and the little feet hardly contained his long monkey toes. What a difference an inch and over a pound make in fitting baby clothes. We joke that Sam’s newborn outfits will fit for about a week.
On Sunday morning Clare was showing some signs of stress (chasing the dog, deliberating doing things that she knew she wasn’t supposed to, shrieking in the house, etc.) so we bundled the family up and went to the park. It seemed a little crazy to take a two-day old baby outside but it was a beautiful fall day and we needed the family time. Sam and I chilled on a park bench and Clare and Daddy ran around the playground. Clare literally ran for an hour straight, chasing after a four-year-old who was also a big sister. Clare announced to all of the other families that she had a new little brother named Sam, and some of the children and parents came by to wish us congratulations. It was a nice way to introduce Sam to the world and give Clare a positive place where she could get out her energy without us constantly telling her no or redirecting her. We’ve made it our mission to get her outside at least once every day since he’s been born. It makes a huge difference in her attitude and ability to handle the changes.
I started having contractions on Thursday night at about dinner time, but they were light and not very regular. Still, I kind of had a feeling that things were in motion so I told Jeremy to clear his Friday schedule. We had dinner, put Clare to bed, and I texted our doula that things might be happening. I went to bed early, but by then my contractions were light but consistently about ten minutes apart. I was able to sleep between them for a few hours. By midnight they were about eight minutes apart and J was timing them on his contraction app that he downloaded (seriously). They were also getting stronger. For some reason we didn’t really believe that labor had really started and kept putting off calling anyone. Finally at about 1 am I got in the shower to deal with stronger contractions and we called the midwife at the hospital, our doula, and my parents to come stay with Clare. By the time everyone arrived, we were packed and we were ready to go to the hospital it was about 2:30. My contractions were about three minutes apart and strong and my water broke in the garage on the way to the car.
We spent the weekend finally finishing the nursery. Hooray! J mentioned that he felt like we were on a home design TV show – I was the designer giving instructions and he was the carpenter executing my vision. But the vision is 90% executed and I love it. It’s the simple, modern nursery that I wanted. Unfortunately the room is small so getting pictures of the whole thing proved to be a challenge, but you can put them together in your head.
The rocking chair and balloon lanterns! The lanterns turned out great (Thanks Mom and Dad) and I’m debating putting strings under them to make them even more “balloon-esque” or just leaving them as-is. I think the baby will love looking at them though. I also pulled up a bunch of the baby toys from storage and they’re in the blue bin. We’ve stacking the “baby books” on the trunk for our bed time reading to the little guy. The cute elephant blanket is from Grandma T!